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已有 11785 次阅读 2017-5-31 16:40 |系统分类:博客资讯

国际数理统计学会Institute of Mathematical Statistics,简称:IMS,创立于1933年,是最权威的全球性统计与概率国际学术组织之一。 学会总部设在美国。 学会着重发展和推广统计与概率的理论及应用,现有来自世界各国的会员有4000多人。

IMS拥有高质量的学术期刊,其中包括Annals of Statistics(统计学年刊)、Annals of Probability(概率论年刊)、Statistical Science(统计科学)、Annals of Applied Probability(应用概率论年刊)和 Annals of Applied Statistics(应用统计学年刊)等。同时,IMS颁发若干荣誉奖项,比如Carvel Medal和Travel Award, 这些奖项受到了高度认可和重视。在经济全球化的大背景下,IMS 的影响力以及稳健成长的趋势给予了成员一个跨越文化和地域交流研究成果的平台。


刘玉峰University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill教授,南开99本),Yanyuan Ma Pennsylvania State University教授, 北大??本),王岚(University of Minnesota教授,清华98本),Mei-Cheng Wang(Johns Hopkins University教授,国立清华大学78本),姚方(University of Toronto&北京大学教授,科大96本),杨立坚(清华大学教授,北大87本),Linda Zhao(University of Pennsylvania教授,南开82本)



Congratulations to the 20 new IMS Fellows elected this year! They will be presented at the IMS Presidential Address and Awards session at the Presidential Address and Awards session at JSM Baltimore, on Monday, July 31 at 8:00pm.

Moulinath Banerjee(Professor of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)For influential contributions to the theory of non-standard asymptotics and shape-restricted inference.
David M. Blei (Professor, Department of Statistics and Department of Computer Science, Columbia University)For outstanding contributions to statistical machine learning and Bayesian methodology.
Florentina Bunea(Professor, Department of Statistical Science, Cornell University)For fundamental contributions to the theory and methodology of high-dimensional inference and model selection.
Arnaud Doucet (University of Oxford)For deep contributions to the development of stochastic simulations methods, especially in the case of particle filters.
Nathalie Eisenbaum(CNRS, Université Paris 6, France)For influential contributions to the study of local times of Markov processes, infinite divisibility, permanental processes and isomorphism theorems.
Andreas Greven(Professor Dr., Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)For fundamental contributions to stochastic models in population genetics and ecology, and to stochastic analysis of tree-valued processes, interacting spatial systems, and systems in random media.
Wenceslao González-Manteiga (Professor of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)For influential contributions to the theory of nonparametric inference, the bootstrap and functional data analysis, and for outstanding service to the community, especially in Galicia and Spain.
Eric D. Kolaczyk(Professor, Boston University)For fundamental contributions to wavelet-based and multi-scale methods, and statistical inference of network data, with applications to image segmentation, remote sensing, computer traffic and biological networks.
Yufeng Liu (Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)For outstanding research in statistical learning, especially with respect to multiclass classification, thresholding, and for applications of statistical methods to genomics.
Thomas A. Louis(Professor of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)For seminal research contributions to Bayesian and Empirical Bayes methodology, and for exceptional service and leadership in the profession.
Yanyuan Ma (Professor, Pennsylvania State University)For influential and original contributions to the development of dimension reduction techniques, and to semiparametric theory and methodology.
Marloes H. Maathuis(Professor of Statistics, ETH Zürich)For influential and original contributions to the theory and methodology for high-dimensional graphical modeling, algorithms for structure search, and causal inference.
Jeffrey Morris (Del and Dennis McCarthy Distinguished Professor, Department of Biostatistics, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)For influential and original work in functional data analysis and functional regression, and in Bayesian modeling of complex, high-dimensional data.
Gareth Roberts (Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick)For outstanding and seminal research contributions to the rigorous theory and practice of Monte Carlo methodology, and for exceptional service and leadership in the profession.
Jason Schweinsberg(Professor of Mathematics, University of California San Diego)For deep contributions to the theory of coalescent processes, loop erased random walks, and branching processes with selection arising in population genetics.
Lan Wang (Professor, University of Minnesota)For influential contributions to high dimensional statistical theory and methodology in quantile regression and variable selection.
Mei-Cheng Wang(Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University)For influential contributions to survival analysis, including theory and application of random truncation and recurrent event processes.
Lijian Yang (Professor, Tsinghua University, China)For influential contributions to nonparametric function estimation, semiparametric time series analysis and functional data analysis, and for outstanding service to the community, especially in China.
Fang Yao (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto)For seminal contributions to the theory and practice of functional data analysis, especially by establishing connections to longitudinal studies.
Linda Zhao (Professor of Statistics, University of Pennsylvania)For influential research contributions to statistical theory and methodology, especially for Empirical Bayes methods.

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