12月5日的Gutenberg演讲题目是,“Earthquake Forecasting as a System-Science Problem”。这是今年美国地球物理联合会地震学分会(seismology section)的主题报告。(“Gutenberg Lecture: The Bowie Lecture Series was inaugurated in 1989 to commemorate the fiftieth presentation of the William Bowie Medal, which is AGU’s highest honor and is named for AGU’s first president.”)报告人是南加州大学的Thomas Jordan,是南加州地震中心的负责人、国际地震预报委员会主席、加州地震概率模型工作组负责人。
在12月6日临时增加一个专题(U44B. Communicating Geohazard Risk Assessments: Lessons Learned From the Verdicts in the L'Aquila Earthquake Case),总共三个报告,报告时间是20分钟(一般报告时间是15分钟)。Thomas Jordan又做了一个报告,题目是:Lessons of L’Aquila for Operational Earthquake Forecasting。第二个报告是Who is Responsible for Human Suffering due to Earthquakes?报告人是Max Wyss(World Agency for Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction)。第三个报告是Scientific Advice, Risk Assessment and Communication During Volcanic Emergencies,报告人Stephen Sparks(University of Bristol)。随后还有一个小时的讨论。也许里面有你也关心的问题、有你也存在的疑惑、有你可以了解的知识。
Gutenberg Lecture: S23C. Earthquake Forecasting as a System-Science Problem
U44B. Communicating Geohazard Risk Assessments: Lessons Learned From the Verdicts in the L'Aquila Earthquake Case
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