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电子情报侦查1.2 - The Importance of ELINT

已有 4825 次阅读 2010-10-23 17:03 |个人分类:科学研究|系统分类:科研笔记

1.2 The Importance of Intercepting and Analyzing Radar Signals 截获并分析雷达信号的重要性

The first large-scale use of radar occurred in World War II. No sooner had radar been deployed (by both sides) than the effort to counter it spawned electronic countermeasures (ECM), which included the interception of the radar’s signals. In today’s terminology, this is called electronic attack (EA). In the early 1940s, “the basic countermeasures principle was simple. A ship or aircraft carried a rapidly tunable receiver which could scan the wavelength bands in which enemy radars might be operating. If one was detected, its strength and characteristics gave clues as to the dangers involved and what the next tactic should be. If the operator was flying over enemy territory, he could switch on a jammer, a powerful transmitter which would overload the radar receiver rendering it ineffective, or he could dump bales of aluminum ‘chaff’ from the airplane, or he could dump and jam” [2]. A side effect of the large amounts of chaff cropped was that thousands of cows died in Germany from eating the foil as they grazed.

雷达在第二次世界大战中得到了广泛地使用,几乎与此同时,战争双方都开始采取有效的电子对抗措施保护己方目标,以躲避雷达的侦察。之所以当初称之为“Electronic CounterMeasures (ECM)”,关键在于当时的战术策略主要是干扰并躲避,即雷达是矛,ELINT是盾;但现在的情形已经发生了巨大的变化,对于侦查到的雷达设施,我们希望到达摧毁的目的,因此ECM进化成了“电子攻击(EA, Electronic Attack)”,这意味着ELINT已经占据了主动进攻的位置。在早期的电子对抗中,ELINT接收机是非常简单的,就如同我们经常使用的收音机一样,在一定的频段内进行搜索,如果发现信号则立即报警,这时候可以采取的反制措施包括:打开大功率发射机阻塞敌方雷达接收机或抛洒大量的金属箔条形成伪目标等。


The following illustrates the fundamental role of ELINT in preventing disastrous technological surprise [3]:

In early 1942, the RAF Coastal Command used L-band radar as an aid for locating German U-boats recharging batteries on the surface. The overall effectiveness of the RAF in this task was quite good until the U-boats began using L-band search receivers. These receivers allowed the submarine to hear transmitted radar signals at a range greater than over which the radar echo could effectively be returned. The U-boat therefore had time to dive before actually being sighted by the searching aircraft. In turn, general effectiveness of the RAF antisubmarine effort decreased. The Allies, realizing what had happened, installed new S-band search radars aboard their aircraft during early 1943. As a result of the effectiveness of new equipment the intercept rate rose sharply. German submarines sitting on the surface, listening to L-band search receivers, became vulnerable targets for S-band radar directed aircraft.



As the U-boat sinkings increased, the Germans tried frantically to determine the method of detection the Allies were using. Since reports from surviving submarines stated that no radiation had been heard in their L-band search receivers prior to the attack, it was thought that perhaps an infrared detection device of some type was being employed. Considerable effort was spent in an attempt to combat a non-existing infrared threat. U-boat activity was greatly reduced by the time the German High Command realized that new S-band radar was in use.




  This is an example of weapon (L-band radar), a countermeasure (L-band search receiver), and an improvement (S-band radar) providing a clear margin of technical supremacy.



  There is another point to be considered. To be sure, the use of S-band radar employing magnetrons and extending the useable frequency by a factor often provided a definite advantage. However, had the Germans had information as to what was being used, the time lag until they were able to develop an effective S-band search receiver would have been greatly reduced. It is obvious that the lack of information by the opponent side is the basic requirement of the so-called “secret weapon”.

  在上面这一段中我最注意的是这个短语“lack of information”,而现代社会的信息已经不仅仅只有雷达信号了。


  This point is mentioned here because illustrated in this example is one of the important roles of electronic reconnaissance. Had the Germans been conducting an extensive reconnaissance program at the time, it is probable that they would have intercepted S-band signals from magnetron oscillators in the development and testing stages during flights over England. The development of the magnetron was, of course, the solution to the problem of generating high power for 10 cm radar, and simple crystal receivers for reconnaissance purposes were indeed available, if the Germans had cared to use them in this application. High sensitivity is not necessary for intercepting high-power sources.



  Of course, one can find more recent examples of the value of radar interception than World War II. In the Vietnam War, there were heavy losses of aircraft because of the large-scale use of surface-to-air missiles. New tactics and the use of radar warning receivers designed with the aid of ELINT data helped reduce U.S. aircraft losses and allowed the North Vietnamese air defense to be destroyed with much lower losses on the U.S. side [4]. Similarly, the SA-6 missiles supplied by the Soviet Union to the Arabs in the October 1973 conflict with Israel proved a major factor in destroying low flying Israeli aircraft. New tactics and jammers eventually overcame the advantage achieved by the Arab combatants through technologies surprise [4].



  Radar uses have proliferated, particularly for military applications, but also for civilian air traffic control, harbor surveillance, weather monitoring, and so on. Prudence requires knowledge of the military capabilities of potential adversaries, and this means continued use of receivers to listen for radar transmissions and all of the other aspects of ELINT. For this reason, the accumulation of knowledge of radar signals has a peacetime role in proportion to the development of modern weapons, many of which incorporate radar target detection and tracking.



  Consider the following remarks of Soviet authors, Rear Admiral Peronmov and Captain First Rank-Engineer A. Partala from their essay “A Look at Development of Means of Electronic Warfare” [5]:

  The military effectiveness of electronic countermeasures, even with emphasis on real life experimentation, must be regarded as confirmed only under the condition that basic characteristics of the electronic weapons of the opponent have been revealed with sufficient accuracy. But the possibility of dependably uncovering and obtaining this information is an extremely difficult task, according to American specialists; “… Experience in battle with application of means of ‘electronic warfare’ in Southeast Asia”, writes the American press, gave evidence that even the most modern reconnaissance [intelligence] is not able to secure timely disclosure of all nomenclatured radio-electronic means, their tactical-technical characteristics, and special military employment. And, therefore, from the beginning of military operations various surprises are probably inevitable. For prevention of large material losses and tactical operational failures, questions about preparation for ‘electronic warfare’ cannot really be left without attention.

In [5], these remarks are interpreted to mean: “If you don’t know the exact details of the electronic threat and fail to prepare effective countermeasures in advance, you will be shot down or sunk.”



ELINT has an important role in maintaining defensive capabilities and preventing surprises – in this very real sense, knowledge is power, and where hostile radar is concerned, ELINT provides a great deal of knowledge. The path to that knowledge begins with antennas, receivers, and strategies for search, which are major topics of this book, and continues through the measurement of signal parameters and the recording and reporting of the interceptions for more detailed analysis.



The data gathered is typically about a potential rival’s defense network, such as radars, surface-to-air (SAM) systems, and aircraft. ELINT can be gathered from ground stations near the hostile country, from ships near the coast, from aircraft near the airspace, or from satellites in space. This may lead to incidents where aircraft or ships stray into hostile waters or airspace. In one particularly dangerous incident, a Chinese fighter collided with a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft and forced it to land in China.



ELINT data is valuable in the event of a conflict. Knowledge of the location and type of SAM and antiaircraft artillery (AAA) systems allows planning to avoid heavily defended areas, making use of flight profiles which will give the penetrator the best chance of avoiding hostile fire. It also enables intelligent jamming of an enemy’s defense work. Knowledge of the whereabouts of ships, command and control centers, surface-to-air missile systems, and other assets of the enemy permits them to be attacked if need be. ELINT is important to stealth operations because stealth aircraft are not totally undetectable and also need to know which areas to avoid. Of course, ELINT data is an important part of network-centric warfare. One way it is used is “traffic analysis” of ELINT signals. In ELINT, it is not the message that is of interest as it is in communications intelligence (COMINT); rather, it is the type of signal, the location of its transmitter, and the timing of the transmissions relative to other events which may be taking place.



上一篇:电子情报侦查1.1 - 电子情报的定义(ELINT Defined)
下一篇:电子情报侦查1.3 - Limitations Due to Noise
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