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已有 1250 次阅读 2020-11-30 18:00 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载





机载图像中的目标跟踪:从飞行器上获得的图像通常看起来很小,可以用圆形或矩形等几何图形表示。目标跟踪器在第一帧检测到目标位置后,对由形状模型定义的目标区域强度和局部标准差进行建模。然后,它通过计算均值偏移向量来跟踪目标,该向量使假设对象的核分布与其先验值之间的距离最小。当传感器的自身运动导致目标运动超过跟踪模块的工作极限时,利用连续帧的Gabor响应进行多分辨率全局运动补偿。在AMCOM FLIR数据集上的实验表明,该方法将自动模型更新和全局运动补偿结合在一个框架内,具有较强的鲁棒性。




Due to increasing demand on deployable surveillance systems in recent years, objecttracking and activity recognition are receiving considerable attention in the research community. This thesis contributes to both the tracking and the activity recognition componentsof a surveillance system. In particular, for the tracking component, we propose two differentapproaches for tracking objects in video acquired by mobile cameras, each of which uses adifferent object shape representation. The first approach tracks the centroids of the objectsin Forward Looking Infrared Imagery (FLIR) and is suitable for tracking objects that appearsmall in airborne video. The second approach tracks the complete contours of the objects,and is suitable for higher level vision problems, such as activity recognition, identificationand classification. Using the contours tracked by the contour tracker, we propose a novelrepresentation, called the action sketch, for recognizing human activities.

Object Tracking in Airborne Imagery: Images obtained from an airborne vehicle generally appear small and can be represented by geometric shapes such as circle or rectangle.After detecting the object position in the first frame, the proposed object tracker models theintensity and the local standard deviation of the object region defined by the shape model.It then tracks the objects by computing the mean-shift vector that minimizes the distancebetween the kernel distribution for the hypothesized object and its prior. In cases when theego-motion of the sensor causes the object to move more than the operational limits of thetracking module, a multi-resolution global motion compensation using the Gabor responsesof consecutive frames is performed. The experiments performed on the AMCOM FLIR dataset show the robustness of the proposed method, which combines automatic model updateand global motion compensation into one framework.

Contour Tracker: Contour tracking is performed by evolving an initial contour toward thecorrect object boundaries based on discriminant analysis, which is formulated as a variationalcalculus problem. Once the contour is initialized, the method generates an online shapemodel for the object along with the color and the texture priors for both the object and thebackground regions. A priori texture and color PDFs of the regions are then fused based onthe discrimination properties of the features between the object and the background models.

The models are then used to compute the posteriori contour likelihood and the evolutionis obtained by the Maximum a Posteriori Estimation process, which updates the contourin the gradient ascent direction of the proposed energy functional. During occlusion, theonline shape model is used to complete the missing object region. The proposed energyfunctional unifies commonly used boundary and region based contour approaches into asingle framework through a support region defined around the hypothesized object contour.We tested the robustness of the proposed contour tracker using several real sequences andhave verified qualitatively that the contours of the objects are perfectly tracked.


1.  引言

2.  目标跟踪进展

3.  可视化特征

4.  机载红外图像目标跟踪

5.  基于轮廓的遮挡处理目标跟踪

6.  时空体素描:一种新颖的行为表征

7.  结论与展望



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