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已有 1543 次阅读 2020-8-5 16:25 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(作者:Yu Teng)的博士论文,共193页。






Netted radar employs several spatiallydistributed transmitters and receivers for information retrieval. This systemtopology offers many advantages over traditional monostatic and bistaticsystems which use a single transmitter and a single receiver. For example, itprovides better utilization of reflected energy, more flexible systemarrangement and enhanced information retrieval capability. Therefore, thenetted radar system is of emerging interests among radar researchers. This workinvestigates several fundamental aspects that determine netted radarperformance. This includes netted radar sensitivity, the netted radar ambiguityfunction and the netted radar ground plane effect. Mathematical models aredeveloped to provide a mean to examine different aspects of netted radarperformance. Software simulations examine netted radar performance over a rangeof parameter variations. Simulation results show that netted radar can offerbetter performance over traditional monnostatic and bistatic radar in many cases.Some elementary field trials have been conducted using a prototype netted radarsystem developed within the UCL radar group to examine aspects of netted radarperformance in practice. The field trials are focused on netted radar range andsensitivity which are fundamental. The field trial results show that thetheoretical benefits that netted radar can offer are generally realizable inpractice.


1. 引言

1.1     概述

1.2     研究目标

1.3     论文结构安排

2. 文献回顾

2.1     历史回顾

2.2     文献回顾

2.3     组网雷达研究

2.4     本文工作内容

3. 雷达与组网雷达介绍

3.1     雷达基础

3.2     单基地与双基地雷达

3.3     组网雷达

4. 组网雷达灵敏度

4.1     引言

4.2     单基地雷达灵敏度

4.3     双基地雷达灵敏度

4.4     组网雷达灵敏度

4.5     实际雷达灵敏度的影响因素

4.6     结论

5. 组网雷达模糊函数

5.1     引言

5.2     单基地雷达模糊函数

5.3     双基地雷达模糊函数

5.4     组网雷达模糊函数

6. 组网雷达的地平面效应

6.1     引言

6.2     单基地雷达的地平面效应

6.3     双基地雷达的地平面效应

6.4     组网雷达的地平面效应

6.5     结论

7. 实验工作

7.1     引言

7.2     外场试验环境

7.3     外场试验

7.4     结论

8. 结论与未来工作展望

8.1     结论

8.2     主要贡献

8.3     未来工作展望

附录A UCL组网雷达试验系统



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