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已有 1489 次阅读 2020-3-18 17:28 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(作者:JOHAN VILLYSSON)的硕士论文,共53页。




The field of active safety in theautomotive industry is a fast-growing area of development today. Safer carshave become one of the top-priorities among car-makers in the recent years. Thedriver support functions that make cars safer rely on accurate onboard sensorreadings of the surroundings of the car. For verification of this accuracy, aLIDAR can be used to get a 360◦ view of the surroundings of the vehicle thatcan then be used as ground-truth. Despite high accuracy and resolution combinedwith wide field of view typical for LIDARs, extraction of objects from theLIDAR data, the so called point clouds, requires advanced post-processingalgorithms and is often challenging. In this thesis, an off-line trackingalgorithm that detects and tracks dynamic and stationary objects using LIDARpoint clouds is developed and implemented. The tracker is based on Bayesiantracking theory and utilizes the fact that it is run off-line by tracking bothforward and backward in time. The results of the tracker show comparableaccuracy to current trackers in the literature. The tracker effectively tracksany sort of objects whether they are stationary or dynamic and gives accuratereadings on positions, dimensions, velocities and accelerations.


1. 引言

2. 跟踪理论

3. 数据与方法

4. 结果

5. 讨论

6. 结论

附录 分割



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