2009-12-25 14:48
标签:批判性思维, 独立思考
最近读了两个帖子,一个是王老师的“少一些独立思考也许更好 ”(http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=281226)。另一个是周老师的“让“独立思考”受到限制——读鸿飞博文小识 ”(http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=281294)。两位老师中博客的绝大部分观点我都赞同,我只是觉得,两位老师是不是将“独立思考”这四个字的内涵和外延想得过于狭窄了。

What is Independent Thinking?

by Sharon Presley, Ph.D., Executive Director, RIT

The Oxford Unabridged Dictionary offers many definitions of independent, including "not depending on the authority of others" and "not dependent on others for forming an opinion." Making up your own mind, in other words. But what does that really mean? Does it mean forming an opinion without input from others? No, of course not, otherwise we "reinvent the wheel" every time we make a decision. We all need relevant information and data on which to base our opinions. It's the way that we seek information and how we apply it that makes us dependent or independent thinkers. If we uncritically accept whatever values or ideas we've been taught by parents, teachers or church, never questioning these ideas or asking ourselves if these ideas really make sense, then we are dependent thinkers (even if the ideas are true!).

If we reject what our parents, teachers or church have taught us simply because they say something is right, does that make us independent thinkers? No, that's just what psychologists call "anti-conformity" rather than non-conformity. Making up your own mind is an action, not a reaction.

Independent thinking means making sense of the world based on your own observations and experiences rather than jut depending on the word of others. It means trusting your own ability to make judgments, even if they contradict what others say. It means acting in accordance with these judgments, even if you sometimes make mistakes. An independent thinkers knows it's psychologically better to make your own mistakes than someone else's.

Independent thinking is not necessarily rational or critical. Sometimes you make mistakes; sometimes it's difficult to know if your beliefs are your own or simply uncritically borrowed. No one ever said independent thinking is easy.

Critical thinking is a tool that you as an independent thinker can use. It can help you decide whether your old beliefs are sensible. It can help you examine new ideas or help you solve problems in reasonable ways. ”








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