閱讀筆記(105)facilitating pragmatic skills through role-play
2019-1-15 21:00

Facilitating pragmatic skills through role-play in learners with language learning disability

Fareeaa Abdoola1Penelope S. Flack1Saira B. Karrim1

role-play as a learning strategy


ASHA (2015) defines pragmatics as the system combining language components (phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics) to generate functional and socially appropriate communication.

Another aspect of pragmatics, which adds to its complex nature, is that it is culturally and linguistically diverse (ASHA, 2015).

Requesting for clarification refers to making a request to repair or clarify the message when communication breakdown occurs. This involves identifying that you have not understood the message and then making the speaker aware that you have not received the message. A request for clarification can involve verbally telling the speaker that you do not understand, asking them to repeat themselves or even giving a non-verbal cue such as an enquiring look.聽不明白,請求別人解釋清楚

Stylistic variation,For example, one would use an informal register while interacting with friends at break time, but will have to switch to a formal register if asked to meet with the principal or boss. Register is also context sensitive, as one may use a less formal register if speaking to the principal or boss at a social event, and a more formal register if speaking to the principal or boss regarding school or work.(正式語體/通俗語體)

learning disorders are diagnosed when the individual’s achievement on individually administered tests of reading, mathematics or written expression is substantially below that expected for age, schooling and level of intelligence(學習障礙)



Poor pragmatic skills can result in peer rejection, decreased likability and difficulty forming friendships,This in turn increases the risk of low self-esteem, long-term emotional difficulties and social isolation(同伴拒絕,變得不可愛,難以與他人建立友誼關係,導致自信心低下,社會隔絕,長期受情緒問題困擾

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主動學習需具備下列七項特性中 的數項:(1)學生的參與多於被動傾 聽;(2)學生參與有意義活動(如閱讀、 討論、寫作);(3)較不著重資訊的傳遞 而較著重學生能力的發展;(4)較重視 態度與價值的探索;(5)學生的動機被 提升;(6)學生可獲得教師的立即回 饋;以及(7)學生涉入較更高層次思考 (如分析、綜合、評鑑) (Bonwell, nd)。 具備的項數愈多,愈屬複雜的主動學習。

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