Teaching Teamwork to Adolescents With Autism:
The Cooperative Use of Activity SchedulesErin Richard White, Barbara Hoffmann,
Hannah Hoch & Bridget A. Taylor
Alpine Learning Group
視覺提示,常見應用於活動流程表(activity schedule),具有維持、類化情境與類化技 能之效果,常運用於學校及家裡教導具自閉症的學生生活自理技巧及日常作息活動 (Krantz et al., 1993; MacDuff et al., 1993)。活動流程表是用一組連續圖片或文字組成的視 覺提示,用來教導學習者獨立依照順序完成任務或活動(McClannahan & Krantz, 1999)。
Individuals who have spent years learning in this instructional format(一對一教學) may require assistance from staff members and caretakers to initiate and complete activities and make transitions between them
Photographic and written activity schedules have also shown promise as a means to increase independence and reduce reliance on instructional prompt- ing (MacDuff, Krantz, & McClannahan, 1993).
To date, most studies involving the use of activity schedules with individuals with autism have taught participants to follow a schedule individually (i.e., one person and a single schedule)一人表
Each step in the task was divided into four se- quential component responses: (1) pointing to, reading aloud, or visually scanning the next step on the activity schedule; (2) crossing off the step on the activity schedule with a dry erase marker before completing it; (3) completing the step accurately; and (4) returning to the activity schedule to check the next step.