旋朔苣苔(Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R. Br.)属苦苣苔科旋蒴苣苔属的一种多年生矮小草本。又名猫耳朵(《中国高等植物图鉴》及《秦岭植物志》),牛耳草(《植物名实图考》)等俗名。
Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R. Br.(Gesneriaceae)
Dwarf perennial herbs. All basal leaves. Corolla pale blue – purple. bilabiate dehiscence ;The capsule oblong and spirals.
All grass is used as traditional Chinese medicine.
Gesneriaceae is a tropical to temperate region of eastern and southern Asia, Africa, southern Europe, Oceania, South America and Mexico. The center of distribution in China is the tropical and subtropical wet steep rock areas of Yunnan Guangxi and Guangdong provinces. Only two species of plants are distributed across the Qinling Mountains to higher latitudes, one of which is Boea hygrometrica.
It is suggested that this distribution of Gesneriaceae can be used to study the evolution of the family Cesneridae and the relationship between the evolution of the genus Kone and the changes of climate, especially precipitation in China. It is of great scientific significance to study the biodiversity of the family Gesneriaceae. ( Photo produced and introduced by LI Zhi-xuan)