2023-12-31 22:33



Perennial suffrutescent sometimes lianescent herbs, usually densely shortly pubescent throughout, with white latex, arising from monopodial slightly woody creeping slender brown rhizome up to 3 m × 3 mm, with wiry horizontal offshoots. Stem and branches straight or twining above, green to dark purple; when straight 10–40 cm long, erect or ascending, simple or much divaricately branched from base, with internodes 2–30 mm long; when twining up to 2 m long, little branched, with internodes 4–8 cm long. Leaves opposite or sometimes subopposite, rarely 3- or 4-whorled, with petioles 0.5–10 (–12) mm long or subsessile; blade green, thin, linear, narrowly lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or occasionally broadly lanceolate, 2–10.5 × 0.1–2 (–2.3) cm, apex shortly acute, obtuse or acuminate, rarely rounded, base slightly oblique, attenuate, cuneate, truncate or rounded, with colleters, margins entire, ciliolate, often revolute; mid-vein elevated abaxially, lateral veins obscure; both surfaces densely pubescent, sometimes glabrate, except the mid-veins on lower surface. Inflorescences alongside the leaf axils to terminal, with 1–10 fragrant flowers, shortly umbel- to raceme-like; peduncles 1–10 (–50) × 0.5–1.5 mm, puberulent; pedicels 1.2–10 × 0.2–0.6 mm, puberulent. Sepals ± half length of corolla, oblong, triangular or lanceolate, 1–2.8 × 0.3–0.8 mm, puberulent, ciliate, apex obtuse, acute or acuminate. Corolla white or greenish-white to yellow, 3–5 × 3–8 mm, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulent on dorsal surface and inside tube, rarely densely puberulent on both surfaces; tube 0.5–1.5 mm long; lobes 4.3–5.2 × 0.8–1.5 mm, narrowly triangular, lanceolate, oblong or oblong-ovate, apically twisted clockwise, apex ± acute or obtuse, sometimes retuse. Corona of 5 slightly fleshy lobes partly fused at bases, cupular, 0.8–1.8 mm long, shorter or longer than gynostegium; tube shorter than anthers, 0.3–0.7 mm long; lobes oval, triangular-lanceolate to linear, apices erect or incurved, acute, acuminate, obtuse or rounded, 0.5–1.4 mm long, sinuses between theses each with or without a minute triangular tooth. Anthers 5, square, 0.3–0.7 mm long; appendages white, membraneous, erect, ovate-triangular to lanceolate, 0.7–1 × ca. 0.4 mm, as long as gynostegia, 1–2 times the length of anthers, with sparse thick cilia, apex acute or acuminate; pollinaria 5; corpusculum ovoid or ellipsoid, somewhat shorter or half-length of pollinia, 190–200 μm long, 100–150 μm wide, slightly narrowed toward base; caudicles obliquely pendent, 108–150 μm long, thick, attached to apical pollinia, enlarged at the point of attachment to pollinia; pollinia pendulous, oblate or ellipsoid, 228–334 × 119–133 μm. Gynostegia sessile; head conical, bilobed, convex or slightly concave. Follicles paired or single, ovoid-fusiform, ventricose, 4–10 × 0.8–2.5 cm, apex obtuse or attenuated, smooth or colliculate, puberulent; seeds reddish-brown, flat, ovate or subelliptical, 5–10 × 3–5 mm, smooth or sometimes with dark brown granules scattered over one or both surfaces; bottom obtuse-rounded, top truncate, margin wing-like, entire or slightly repand; the concave surface with a slightly elevated and darker line (linear hilum) about 2/3 length of the seed; coma white, 1–2.4 cm long, attached to micropylar end.

多年生灌木状或攀援状草本植物通常全体密被短柔毛具白色乳汁根状茎稍木质,棕色,具坚实的水平侧枝,长达3×3毫米。茎和枝条直立或盘绕,绿色至深紫色;直立时长10-40厘米,直立或上升,从基部简单或多分散地分枝,节间长2-30毫米;盘绕时长达2米,分枝较少,节间长4-8厘米。叶对生或有时互生,罕3-4轮生,叶柄长0.5-10-12)毫米或近无柄;叶片绿色,薄,线形、狭长披针形或偶宽披针形2-10.5 × 0.1-2-2.3)厘米;顶端短尖、钝或渐尖,稀圆形;基部稍倾斜,渐尖、楔形、渐狭、截形或圆形,具黏液毛;边缘整齐,略有缘毛,常背曲;背面中脉凸起,侧脉模糊;两面密被柔毛,有时除下表面的中脉外脱毛至近无毛。花序沿各叶腋腋生至枝条顶生,1-10朵花,花具淡香味,短伞形至总状花序;花序梗1-10-50× 0.5-1.5毫米,被毛;花梗1.2-10 × 0.2-0.6毫米,被毛。萼片约等于花冠的一半长,长方形、三角形或披针形,1-2.8 × 0.3-0.8毫米,被毛,有缘毛,顶端钝、尖或渐尖。花冠白色、淡黄绿至黄色3-5 × 3-8毫米,通常无毛,有时背面和内面稀疏被毛,稀密被毛;筒部长0.5-1.5毫米;裂片4.3-5.2 × 0.8-1.5毫米,狭三角形、披针形、矩形或矩形椭圆形,顶端顺时针扭曲,顶端±尖或钝,有时截形。副花冠裂片5个,稍肉质,在基部融合,杯状,长0.8-1.8毫米,短于或长于花柱;筒部长0.3-0.7毫米;裂片卵形,三角形披针形或线形,顶端直立或内曲,尖,渐尖,钝或圆形,长0.5-1.4毫米,各裂片间具一三角形小齿或无。花药5个,方形,长0.3-0.7毫米;附属物白色,膜状,直立,卵三角形至披针形,长0.7-1 × 0.4毫米,与花柱等长,是花药的1-2倍长,顶端尖或渐尖;花粉器5个;着粉腺椭球形或椭球形,稍短于至仅达花粉块的一半长,长190-200微米,宽100-150微米,向基部稍微变窄;着粉腺柄斜垂,长108-150微米,粗,连接到花粉团的顶端并略膨大;花粉块下垂,扁球形或椭球形,长228-334 × 119-133微米。合蕊冠无柄;花柱顶端圆锥形,浅二裂,凸起或稍凹。蓇葖果成对着生或单生,卵球状梭形,膨大,4-10 × 0.8-2.5厘米,顶端钝或变细,表面平滑或具圆形突起,被短毛种子红褐色,扁平,卵形或近卵形,5-10 × 3-5毫米,光滑或有时在一面或两面具深褐色疣状突起;底部钝圆,顶部截形,边缘翼状,整齐或稍微波状;凹面有一条稍微凸起和较深的线(线状种脐)约为种子长度的2/3;种毛白色,长1-2.4厘米。

2、Cynanchum thesioides 的模式指定:原文指定K.F. Karo 127 (BRNM [15481/36], ex herb. J. Freyn)  为主模式,并认为保存在PR的两份标本K.F. Karo s.n. (BR [PR793598, PR793599]) 很可能不是isotype。尽管这几份标本都是在1871年7月24至8月5日采集的,但无法确定后两份标本是否与BRNM的标本是在同一天采集的。不过,我们最初是将BRNM与BR的标本视为syntypes,因为作者在这一系列的文章开篇提到他看到了3套采集人的标本,我们也正好寻迹找到了作者发表这个新种的3套标本(下图),也因此最初是将BRNM的标本选作lectotype。尽管最终我们是根据编辑的意见进行了修改,但我个人还是持保留意见,觉得编辑对于同一个gathering的定义过于严苛。

labels of Vincetoxicum thesioides.png

图1. 地稍瓜(Vincetoxicucm thesioides Freyn)的模式标本标签。



图2. PPBC中原错误鉴定为地梢瓜的照片(现重新鉴定了)。前3张的重新鉴定,是因为网站系统默认与下面几张变色变前的照片是同一个批的,导致的重复鉴定。





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