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柚子树上的捕食螨 Predatory mites on grapefruit leaves [图文 Text with pictures]

已有 8542 次阅读 2009-4-21 10:47 |个人分类:Mites 螨类|系统分类:图片百科| plant, 螨类, mite, protection, 植物保护

We found many predatory mites on almost every leaf of grapefruit trees in our campus, 15 individuals per leaf at most. There might be phytoseiid mites and Anystid mites. The predatory mites occured mostly near the main vein since the hairs can provide shelter and the eggs and adults of citrus red mite also distribute there.  



Preliminary identification by Jin Ping @ Acari Lab QQ Group to confirm the present of Phytoseiidae.

If you can help to identify the mite species, please tell me, thanks. 如能帮助鉴定捕食螨种类,非常感谢!

捕食螨个体01 Predatory mite individual 01 (Phytoseiidae) -- Euseius nicholsi. male

  under XSP-12CE Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  10X objective

  under Olympus Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  4X objective

 under Olympus Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  10X objective


  under Olympus Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  20X objective


  under Olympus Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  40X objective


捕食螨个体02 Predatory mite individual  02 (Phytoseiidae) -- Euseius nicholsi. male

 under XSP-12CE Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  10X objective (348 um long and 291 um wide respectively of dorsal plate)

XSP-12CE Stereoscope with 10X eyepiece and  40X objective

捕食螨的卵 03 Predatory mite eggs  03 (?Phytoseiidae)

 Under IPM Scope Microscopic Camera 100X

捕食螨 04 Predatory mite individuals  04(?Phytoseiidae)

 Under Cannon IXUS 75 Camera with with 150X X-loupe microscopic lens

捕食螨个体05 Predatory mite individual  05 (?Anystidae)
 Under IPM Scope Microscopic Camera 40X (?)

非常感谢吴伟南先生的鉴定,并教会我辨识雌雄的方法。Great thanks to Prof. Weinan Wu, who identified the Euseius nicholsi above and  taught me the differences between male and female.

感谢赣南师范学院刘仁林博士和屈鸿恩老师提供显微镜和显微测量方面的帮助。Thanks to Dr. Renlin Liu and Mr. Hongen Qu for the aid of microscopy and microscopic measurements.


Thanks to Jing Zeng, Jun Li, Wenping Liu et al. for the aid of investigation and microscopic cameraing.

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