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已有 5022 次阅读 2014-5-3 17:59 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它



平野敏右(Toshisuke Hirano),日本籍,男,1939年出生,曾任国际火灾安全科学学会主席,是国际火灾与燃烧学术界有重要影响的学者。平野敏右教授1976年至1994年任日本东京大学教授,在促进“中国科大——日本东大”合作项目,促进我国与日、英、美、俄、澳等国在火灾领域的交流与合作方面作了大量的工作。他通过讲学、合作研究、人员互访、资助等方式,系统向我国科研人员介绍国际火灾科学和安全工程的现状、成果、学术思想和发展方向,在我国建设火灾科学国家重点实验室和创建火灾安全科学与工程学科中做出了积极贡献。他先后为我国培训科技人才120多人,组织200多名日本学者到中国交流合作,推动了我国火灾科学、安全科学与工程领域的发展。

Prof. Toshisuke Hirano  (1939-2014)


We are surrounded by sorrow and sadness by the news that Prof. Hirano’s passed away during the week of the 11th IAFSS conference in Christchurch.  A message was given at the last day of the conference by the new IAFSS chair Prof. van Hees.  It will be difficult to think about the world around us and about our fire safety community without Prof. Hirano being its member.

Prof. Hirano was a gentleman, a scholar, a colleague, a mentor and a pre-eminent leader in fire safety research.  He was one of the founding fathers of the International Association for Fire Safety Science, and for 18 years served as the Association Secretary, Vice-Chairman and the Chairman.  He was the local organiser for the 2nd Symposium and acted as program chair for the 5th and 6th Symposia.  Through his work, he has defined who we are as the fire safety community.  He mentored our past chair Prof. Dlugogorski when he took his first steps as a fire safety researcher in Australia.

His passing away is a great loss to everyone.  As a scientist, he has made important contributions to the archival literature on fires and explosions, including seminal papers on flame spread.  But his contributions are too many to mention.  He has authored papers in almost every area of fire research.

In the Asia-Oceania region, he was the one who brought together fire researchers from Australia, China, Japan and Russia to establish the Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology.  We all own him a great deal of gratitude for everything he has done for improving fire safety in our region.

With this message we would like to pass our condolences to Prof. Hirano’s family, and to all our colleagues in Japan and around the world.

Prof. Hirano will remain in our memories and in our thoughts. An obituary will follow on this website.


Prof. B. Dlugogorski                                                 Prof. P. van Hees

Immediate Past Chairman of IAFSS                  Chairman of IAFSS

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