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已有 3074 次阅读 2018-7-10 09:15 |个人分类:杂感|系统分类:观点评述



1. According to the article, you said it would be a "catastrophe" if billions of cockroaches were suddenly released into the environment. Do you think that is likely to happen? You were quoted as saying: “Multiple lines of defence must be in place and work properly to prevent the disaster of accidental release." Do you feel those lines of defense are in place? 

2. You were also quoted as saying: "Given Xichang’s warm climate and ample rainfall, a dozen of them could infest an entire neighbourhood." Why wouldnt that happen everywhere? I have lived in cities where there are more than a dozen cockroaches. What is different here? Why wouldnt cockroaches already "in the wild" there take over the town?

3. The article mentions AI techniques to manage the breeding colony, but does not give details. Do you know what this is about? How could AI help manage cockroaches? Have you seen the report that is mentioned here from Sichuan?

4. What did you mean by saying that "every cockroach is a super cock-roach"?


Professor Zhu Chaodong, the Institute of Zoology’s lead scientist in insect evolution studies at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, said it would be a “catastrophe” if billions of cockroaches were suddenly released into the environment – be it through human error or a natural disaster like an earthquake that damaged the building.

To Xichang’s near-800,000 inhabitants, one such accident could be “terrifying”, Zhu said. The farm is also located close to Xichang’s Qingshan airport.

“Multiple lines of defence must be in place and work properly to prevent the disaster of accidental release,” Zhu said.





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