Author: FlorianStadler, July 2008
Everybody having significantly (at least 5% of the total work) contributed to the research to be published will be a co-author of the article. Including students and technicians as authors is possible but not necessary and lies at the discretion of the advisor of their home institution. If the advisor chooses not to include students and technicians as co-authors, their names should be explicitly mentioned in the acknowledgements. The number of authors from each institution (institute, chair, …) should approximately reflect the amount of contribution from the respective institution. Persons not having directly contributed to the article by research, interpretation, … , e.g. the head of a department, should not be taken as coauthors. The direct advisor of a Ph.D.-student or a PostDoc should be taken as a coauthor, however.
To determine the author order, the authors first have to be divided into executing researchers and advisors. In case an advisor personally significantly contributed to the article by performing experiments or writing the article (not by correcting it or helping with the interpretation of the results), he/she will be counted as executing researcher.
The executing researchers are listed before the advisors.
The order of the executing researchers is determined by the amount of contribution to the research to the article. The first author is the main contributor, followed by the other executive researchers in the order of their amount of contribution
The advisors are listed after the executing researchers and their order of the advisors is determined by the opposite order of the institutions of the executing researchers. Hence, the advisor of the first author is the last author.
If the paper is part of a cooperation producing multiple papers, this rule should be applied in a way that each executing researcher and institution will get a number of first authorships according to his/her total contribution to all articles, even if this slightly contradicts 2b.
The first author’s advisor is the corresponding author. In case the first author is PostDoc or higher, the role of corresponding author can also be assumed by the first author.
The first author is the coordinator for the written parts of the different cooperating parties and is responsible for correctly formatting, correcting the article. The first author is also responsible for the article during submission and revision. The other authors should be informed by the first authors, how he/she would prefer the paper to be formatted. The duties of the first authors may be delegated to other members of the first author’s home institution. The first author should ensure a speedy publication. All other co-authors will be asked by the first author to share their expertise for the revision and the proofs.
If the first author is an advisor, both types of duties and privileges bestow on him/her.
The journal should be chosen to meet the interests of all authors’ best and to maximize the impact of the article.
No article may be submitted (initial submission and revised versions) unless all advisors have given prior consent. In case the deadline for the resubmission of the revised version is imminent, the consent of all parties is not absolutely necessary (e.g. in case one of the advisors is not answering repeated phone calls and/or emails for weeks). The proof copies should be but do not have to be corrected by all co-authors, as the deadlines on correcting proofs are generally very tight.
All information on the status of the article after submission are to be distributed by the coordinator of the submission process or his advisor as soon as possible among all co-authors especially when the news are not positive.
Unless there is an explicit need, the cost of publication should be minimized by avoiding cover charges, extra off-prints, color figures, open access, … . In case some measure producing cost is needed the different institutions involved have to agree on how to split the costs prior to the submission of the publication.
The off-prints are to be distributed among the participants as follows:
Each author receives one or two personal copies.
The remaining copies are to be split among the participants’ institution in a way that the corresponding author’s institution receives twice as many off-prints as every other participating institution.
If only digital off-prints are distributed, these rules do not apply. In this case, the first author should try to get a normal pdf-version of the article to be used in place of the classical paper off-prints.
Each author should receive also a pdf-version of the article, even in the unlikely event that extra costs are involved.
Every institution involved should be informed, when some of the cooperatively obtained research results are used in oral or poster presentations. The presentations and posters should be given to the other institutions. The other institutions should be informed about the presentation prior to the conference/meeting/seminar.
Presenting data of the other institution in a normal length paper, e.g. conference proceedings journals like Macromolecular Symposia, should be avoided, when not giving a co-authorship to the researchers of other institution (even if they have not been on the author list of the conference). If a conference explicitly requires such a publication of the results, the contributing authors should agree whether to submit such a publication or not, considering the rather low impact of such conference proceedings journals. The publication of abstracts with less than three pages, oral or poster presentations in non-refereed means of publication without adding all co-authors is not considered problematic, as long as the main focus of the presentation is on the research performed in the presenting organization.
If the cooperation is the consequence of a joint project, the advisors should agree on one person to keep track of all publications (posters, oral presentation, seminar lectures, abstract, full publications). All other partners will ensure a speedy reporting of their presentations to this responsible for the collection. This will ease the collection of the presentations for a later report required by the funding agency.
Changes of address of authors (especially of former Ph.D. students) should be speedily conveyed to all cooperators involved to ensure that these contributors are properly credited.
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