Introduction of book Comparative Safety Science
2014-8-26 08:32
标签:Science, book, Introduction, safety, comparative

Introduction of book Comparative Safety Science

By Chao Wu, Cannan Yi, Yingying Cao



Safety science belongs to a multi-interdiscipline and is almost crossed with all other disciplines. Safetyscience has enormous space and time. Therefore comparative studies are veryvaluable during investigations. The book of Comparative Safety Sciencewhich is published by China Labour and Social Security Publishing House(CLSSPH) in Sept 2014, consists of 17 chapters and can be divided into threeparts. The first part mainly introduces the connotation and the meaning offounding of comparative safety science, the methodology and methods of thecomparative safety science. The second part mainly introduces several branchesof the comparative safety science, such as the comparative safety jurisprudencelaws, the comparative safety management, the comparative safety pedagogy, thecomparative safety psychology, the comparative safety ethics, the comparativesafety systems engineering, the fractal approach for comparative safety studies,the comparative methodology between the mechanics models and the safety enforcement.The third part mainly introduces the applying practices of comparative safety science,which include the comparative studies of the safety disciplines between USA andChina in the two “golden ten years”, the comparative studies of the certifiedsafety engineer systems between the China and several typical countries, thecomparative studies of the training and academic education of safety talentsbetween China and USA, the comparative studies of the food safety supervisionbetween China and several developed countries, the comparative studies of theadministration of work safety between China and several other countries, andthe comparative studies of the occupational safety and health systems used inChinese enterprises and in Dupont case.

The book can be used as atextbook for undergraduate students and graduates in the safety science andengineering. It can also be used for the reference of safety engineers andresearchers as well as the staff of public management.










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