近几年由于参加了两项安全方面的国家社科基金重大项目,对一些当今社会学方面的问题做了点滴思考,包括“国家”和“国家安全”等这些传统常见概念的内涵的思考,并了解到长期以来这类概念都是由社会学、政治学等领域的学者提出来的,而自己是地地道道理工科背景出身的,因而想从理工科加社科的视角和结合当今世界的新发展,来重新审视这些概念的定义及其内涵,寄希望能够得出一些与传统社科思维不一样的认识和结果。经过一年断断续续的思考和学习,俺撰写了这篇题目为:“适应新时代的国家和国家安全概念的重新定义及其模型构建”的长文,并在开源新刊Journal of Safety and Sustainability上发表。
Wu C, Redefining concepts of nation and national security and establishing their models for the new era, Journal of Safety and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsasus.2024.12.002.
摘 要:在全球化和颠覆性高新科技的推动下,当下世界各国及国际间的新事物和新问题不断涌现,这些新事物和新问题逾越了传统的国家和国家安全的概念的内涵,国家和国家安全的概念急需给予更新和发展,以便适应全球和国家治理的需要以及为国家安全学等学科提供理论基础。本文采用文献查阅法、历史分析法、归纳分析法、逻辑思辨法、系统思维法等,结合世界范围在新时期的特征,对国家和国家安全的概念开展深入研究。通过综述传统的国家和国家安全概念及其历史演化,并分析其存在的缺陷,阐述当今全球化和科技革命对传统的国家和国家安全概念的冲击和更新的必要性;基于系统思想及多元空间交融的事实,给出一个6元空间交融并嵌入于世界之中的国家概念及模型;接着,以该国家概念及模型为基础,提出了与之相适应的国家安全新概念及模型。研究结果表明:新的国家和国家安全的概念及模型弥补了传统国家和国家安全概念的不足,能够覆盖当今世界出现的新事物和新问题,能适应未来世界的发展趋势,可为全球和国家治理等提供方向性引领,具有重要的理论和实际意义。
To meet the new needs of global and national governance and to provide the fundamental theory for national security studies, the concepts of nation and national security urgently needs to be updated and developed because new things and problems that go beyond the meanings of traditional concepts of nation and national security are constantly emerging over the world and in the international relationships driven by globalization and disruptive high-tech. This article adopts methods such as literature review, historical analysis, inductive analysis, logical reasoning, and systematic thinking to conduct in-depth to investigate the concepts of nation and national security. By summarizing traditional concepts of nation and national security and their historical evolution, their shortcomings were analyzed. The impact of globalization and technological revolution on traditional concepts of nation and national security and the need for renewal of these concepts were explained. Based on the approach of system thinking and the reality of integration of the artificial space, social space, biological space, information space, natural space and cosmic space, a six-dimension space integration concept of nation which is embedded in the world and its model were proposed. Then, based on the new concept of nation and the model, a corresponding concept of national security including the artificial space, social space, biological space, information space, natural space and cosmic space and its model were proposed. The research results show that the new concepts of nation and national security and their models have made up for the deficiencies of traditional concepts of nation and national security. Also these new concepts can cover new things and problems emerging in today's world, can adapt to the development trend of the future world, can provide directional guidance for global and national governance, and have important theoretical value and practical significance.
Key words: new era; reasons of redefining; nation concept; national security concept; nation model; national security model; six-dimension spaces; giant system of nation; national security governance; globalization; disruptive high-tech