为原单位创办的英文版新刊《Journal of Safety and Sustainability》写了篇评论 精选
2023-10-8 10:28

为原单位创办的英文版新刊《Journal of Safety and Sustainability》写了篇评论

【注】Journal of Safety and Sustainability是一本由中南大学主办、中南大学资源与安全工程学院承办、Elsevier出版的英文科技期刊,于2023126日正式上线。期刊致力于报道安全科学与可持续领域实质内涵、对象、研究方法与工程技术的研究,旨在推动社会、工业、经济等领域的可持续发展。大力支持国际社会在安全与可持续性方面的研究与实践,促进安全与可持续性理论与工程技术的创新。充当安全与可持续相关的科学、技术、工程研究的国际媒介。涵盖领域包括但不限于矿业安全、能源与资源安全、城市安全、设备安全等,同时也包含各领域涉及的危险事故、灾害、人失误、环境与人类发展的可持续性。进而为安全与矿业等学科科研工作者、企业技术人员、政府决策者提供国内外研究的最新进展。








那如何打破传统上的亡羊补牢式循环的安全发展模式,一个具有根本意义思想就需要突破传统的短期行为安全观,而这需要从宏安全定义和新安全观的创设开始。2009年,全球健康执行理事会大学联盟Jeffrey P Koplan等人在世界著名杂志《柳叶刀》发表了观点文章:提出全球健康的通用定义[1]。但在安全领域,我们还未看到全球(含深空)视域下的大安全的通用定义。安全是人类生理需求之上的共同基本需求,人类安全与健康是相辅相成和一样重要的,都是全球全人类的问题。新概念是新理论和新发明的开始或原点,当下我们需要有一个全球视域下的安全定义或者说是宏安全的通用定义来统领和指导人类的安全观和各种安全活动。



那什么安全能保障地球和人类永恒安全呢?如果能够以此为目标的安全,那才算得上是真正意义的大安全”——全球安全,这里简称为宏安全,具体表达为Global Sustainable Safety & SecurityGSSS)。


1在现有的各类安全中,如果从地球和全人类永恒的安全着眼,最重要的安全是什么?可能答案是全球生态的永恒安全才是真正的大安全,因为如果地球的生态系统被毁灭时,地球的人类也同样消失,而其他安全都不复存在了,与全球生态安全比较,其它安全都是在其之下的。从人类纪以来,特别是短短的一两百年以来,人类对地球的生态带来了巨大的冲击和破坏,是史无前例的。2018Nature发表了为生物多样性而战的新闻特写文章[5]Science发表了评价自然对人类的贡献前瞻文章[6]。中国复旦大学学者在《科学通报》发文专门对“Battle over biodiversity”一文做了详细剖析[7]




201911Bedford, J等人在Nature发表综述文章,提出应对21世纪的大规模流行病,各个学科必须联合起来。[8]。安全科学是一门大交叉综合学科,安全科学更需要各个学科联合起来。安全科学在未来将可以为各种突发重大公共事件做出更大的贡献,全球公共安全治理和风险管控及学界都应该更加重视、运用和发展安全科学这一新兴大交叉综合学科。

科学技术发展到今天,如果不界定大交叉还是小交叉,则可以肯定地说:所有科学研究所运用和创新的知识都是有交叉的,复杂问题研究永远是需要交叉的。科技创新和人才培养过程的交叉模式是不可能预先都按照某一个具体交叉形式去实施的,特别是科技创新,在未取得成功之前是难以确定所创造的知识以何种交叉模式呈现的。因此,我们要从“学科”概念转变到“学块”新概念,“学块”(science chunk)是由学界约定俗成的多门已有学科知识发生质变融合而成的新知识集合体[9],学块是一种表达知识交叉融合的新方式。我们必须采用无学科痕迹的交叉思路,这才能从根本上体现出交叉学科产生知识的不可预设性,才能体现交叉形式是不能穷尽和无止境的特点。



  1. Jeffrey P Koplan, T Christopher Bond, Michael H Merson, et al. Towards a common definition of global health [J]. Lancet, 2009, 373: 1993-1995.7-16.

  2. Pietre-Cambace´des L, Bouissou, M. Cross-fertilization between safety and security engineering [J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2013. 110: 110–126.

  3. Boustras G, Waring A. Towards a reconceptualization of safety and security, their interactions, and policy requirements in a 21st century context [J]. Safety Science, 2020, 132: 104942.

  4. WU Chao. Understanding the essence of safety science again by viewing the COVID-19epidemic [J]. Technology and Innovation Management, 2021, 42(04): 213-218.in Chinese

  5. Masood E. Battle over biodiversity [J]. Nature, 2018, 560: 423–425.

  6. Díaz S, Pascual U, Stenseke M, et al. Assessing nature’s contributions to people [J]. Science, 2018, 359: 270–272.

  7. LI Xiao, WU Jihua, LI Bo. The battle for biodiversity and human future. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(23): 2374- 2378.in Chinese

  8. Bedford J, Farrar J, Ihekweazu C, et al. A new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response [J]. Nature, 2019, 575: 130–136.

  9. WU Chao. Construction of interdisciplinary knowledge classification system by using science chunk matrix [J]. Technology and Innovation Management, 2021, 42(04): 470-476.in Chinese



Journal of Safety and Sustainability represents the future development direction of safety & security science 

Chao Wua,b

aSchool of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, Hunan, PR China

bSafety & Security Theory Innovation and Promotion Center (STIPC), Central South University, Changsha, 410083, Hunan, PR China 

I would like to express my warm congratulations on the founding of the Journal of Safety and Sustainability! The name of the magazine is very good, because it represents the future direction and development modes of safety & security science.

Safety & security (SS) and sustainable development are the premise and foundation of social progress and economic development, and the symbol of social civilization, harmony and people's happiness. SS development is endless, because human cognition and demand for SS are growing and improving, and human SS goals and standards are constantly improving and developing. On the other hand, the development and progress of science, technology and economy will also promote the continuous improvement, development and improvement of SS science and technology level and SS guarantee ability.

SS and sustainable development can be specifically understood as follows: First, since there are always hazards, risk sources, risk factors and hazard factors in the objective world, human survival, production and life in any era are faced with various safety risks from nature, biology, technology, society and human beings. Hazard sources and risks are always accompanied by human survival and development. Therefore, SS must be sustainable. Secondly, due to the objectivity, normality and permanence of SS risks, it is required that human activities (including the SS activities themselves) should be scientific, so as to ensure the sustainable development of SS. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the concept of sustainable SS, develop sustainable SS science and technology, grasp the strategies of sustainable SS and implement sustainable SS measures. Accordingly, in the new era of global SS governance and socio-economic development, all international organizations, countries, governments at all levels and society organizations, research institutions, production enterprises, groups and individuals should work together to ensure sustainable SS.

However, for a long time, most of the research on SS science lags behind the development of society and lacks SS foresight and SS sustainability. Many studies and their results are based on system failure or accident, or on improving the reliability and SS of system operation, so they always fail to achieve the real SS purpose of advanced prevention. In many cases, SS research and its results only play a role in making up for the lost.

Then how to break the traditional SS development model of the cycle of making up for the lost, a thought with fundamental significance is that we should break through the traditional short-term behavior SS concept, which needs to start with the definition of macro-SS and the creation of a new sustainable SS concept. In 2009, Jeffrey P. Koplan et at published a viewpoint article in the Lancet: put forward a common definition of global health. But in the area of SS, we haven’t seen general definition of macro-SS from the perspective of global sustainable SS (including deep space SS of earth). SS is a common basic demand above human physiological needs. Human SS and health complement each other and are as important as each other. They are all problems of all mankind around the world. New concepts are the beginning or origin of new theories and inventions. At present, we need a general definition of sustainable SS from the global perspective or macro-SS to command and guide human SS idea and various SS activities.

In the field of occupational safety, the people’s safety activities are usually called production safety and the traditional public security is separated from production safety. Because safety or security involves human problems, even a small event can be related to a large number of related problems. With the development of society, safety and security are often intertwined, influencing and related to each other, which are commonly known as safety & security integration in the world in recent ten years. SS integration is also a research hotspot and development trend of SS science in recent ten years(Pietre-Cambace´des, et al., 2013; Boustras, et al., 2020).

If space-time presupposition is enlarged to the permanent SS of global mankind, the human activities of SS integration are actually local SS activities in a short time. In the movement process of the complex and changeable social system on the earth, such as people-events-things, people-people, people-things, things-things, people-events, people-environment, people-other creatures, etc., at a certain time, there will always be all kinds of disharmony or friction in a local system, that is, unsafe emergencies or negative emergence phenomena in a local system always appear. In order to prevent, resolve and control this unsafe phenomena, various SS affairs have emerged in the society and many today's social SS systems have been formed, such as production safety, life security, homeland security, military security, economic security, cultural security, social security, scientific and technological safety, information security, ecological safety, biological safety, resource safety, nuclear security and so on. In fact, in the long history of the earth, above SS issues and activities have played a similar role as a lubricant or mitigation agent for a local disharmony in a short time for a local system. But all local SS systems today cannot guarantee the eternal SS of the earth and mankind.

What SS activities can guarantee the eternal SS of the earth and mankind? If we can take this as the goal of SS, then it can be regarded as the real macro-SS, and here are specifically expressed as global sustainable SS (GSSS).

Definition of GSSS can be defined as a balanced status that enables the global ecology and all mankind to survive and develop in a sustainable and harmonious way (Wu, 2021). All human activities carry out for GSSS objectives are called GSSS activities. GSSS is a great mission that transcends all political security, national security, ethnic security and so on; GSSS has the characteristics of permanence, globality and ecological harmony; GSSS opposes human supremacy; GSSS cannot be guaranteed or realized entirely by human power. The following is a further analysis based on the above GSSS definition:

 (1) Among the various SS demands, what is the most important SS if we focus on the eternal SS of the earth and all mankind? The possible answer is the eternal SS of the global ecology, because if the earth’s ecosystem is destroyed, the earth’s mankind will also disappear, and other SS demands will no longer exist. Compared with the global ecological SS, other SS are under it. Since in the human age, especially in the one or two hundred years, mankind has brought great impact and damage to the ecology of the earth, which is unprecedented. In 2018, Nature published a feature article on “Battle over biodiversity” (Masood, 2018) and Science Bulletin of China published a specific article by Li et al (2019) from Fudan University of China to analyze it; Science also published a related forward-looking article on “Assessing nature’s contributions to people” (Díaz, et al., 2018).

 (2) Who can guarantee the eternal ecological SS of the world? Obviously, because human’s curiosity, ambition and greed are terrible in some aspects and human beings are one of the creatures that are the protagonists of the earth, it is difficult to rely on human beings themselves to ensure global ecological SS. Also, due to human’s shortsightedness, prejudice, utilitarianism and selfishness, the conventions and SS norms made by human beings themselves are unreliable from a long-term perspective. Even if human beings can self-discipline and maintain a better ecology for generating balance, but it is difficult to ensure that the balance will be handed down from generation to generation. Many big SS events in the past have proved that human beings cannot maintain the status of self-discipline forever. Therefore, to ensure GSSS, we also need a third-party force, and this third-party force is by mankind itself, or by aliens outside the earth, or by some new force? Personally, I’m not sure. This is a huge topic that needs to be studied in the future. The third-party force may be a huge natural retaliation force formed by the earth’s ecology itself against the excessive destruction of humans or other species when the earth’s ecology is excessively damaged by humans or other species, including coming to mankind in the form of various natural disasters to maintain the global ecological balance in the short term.

 (3) After all, human beings are the smartest creatures on earth. Human beings are still unwilling to wait to die and accept the punishment of nature or a third party. How can human beings realize that their activities will not suffer natural retribution, and how to avoid natural disasters and control their activities based on GSSS? These are more important issues of human beings in the future.

 (4) If we focus on GSSS or global ecosystem SS, how can human beings build a new discipline system of GSSS? This is also a major topic in GSSS research, and more problems need to be studied.

In November 2019, Bedford, J et al published a review article in Nature, proposing that in response to the large-scale epidemic in the 21st century, all disciplines must unite. SS science is an interdisciplinary and comprehensive discipline, and SS science needs the combination of various disciplines. SS science will make greater contributions to various major public emergencies in the future. Global public security governance, risk control and academic circles should pay more attention to apply and develop the comprehensive discipline of SS science.

Today, with the development of science and technology, if we do not define the large cross or small cross of disciplines, we can certainly say that all the knowledge used and innovated in scientific research is interdisciplinary knowledge, and the research on complex problems always needs interdisciplinary approaches. The interdisciplinary modes of scientific and technological innovation and talent training process cannot be implemented according to a specific interdisciplinary form in advance. In particular, scientific and technological innovation is uncertain before it is successful and it is difficult by giving any interdisciplinary mode before doing research. Therefore, we should change from the concept of discipline to the new concept of science-chunk. Science-chunk is a knowledge aggregate formed by the qualitative transformation and integration of multiple existing subject knowledge established by the academic community (Wu, 2021), and is a new way to express the interdisciplinary knowledge. We must adopt the interdisciplinary thinking without disciplinary trace, which can fundamentally reflect the unpredictability of interdisciplinary knowledge, and the characteristics that the interdisciplinary forms are inexhaustible and endless.

In conclusion, the connotation of Journal of Safety and Sustainability is very consistent with the above definition of GSSS. It represents the future direction and development mode of SS science. We should carry out the idea of GSSS concept and overcome narrow humanism. According to the definition of GSSS, we should overcome the limit of human SS awareness and make greater efforts and contributions to the realization of global sustainable SS development. 


Jeffrey P Koplan, T Christopher Bond, Michael H Merson, et al. Towards a common definition of global health [J]. Lancet, 2009, 373: 1993-1995.7-16.

Pietre-Cambace´des L, Bouissou, M. Cross-fertilization between safety and security engineering [J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2013. 110: 110–126.

Boustras G, Waring A. Towards a reconceptualization of safety and security, their interactions, and policy requirements in a 21st century context [J]. Safety Science, 2020, 132: 104942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104942

WU Chao. Understanding the essence of safety science again by viewing the COVID-19epidemic [J]. Technology and Innovation Management, 2021, 42(04): 213-218.

Masood E. Battle over biodiversity [J]. Nature, 2018, 560: 423–425.

LI Xiao, WU Jihua, LI Bo. The battle for biodiversity and human future. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(23): 2374- 2378.

Díaz S, Pascual U, Stenseke M, et al. Assessing nature’s contributions to people [J]. Science, 2018, 359: 270–272.

Bedford J, Farrar J, Ihekweazu C, et al. A new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response [J]. Nature, 2019, 575: 130–136.

WU Chao. Construction of interdisciplinary knowledge classification system by using science chunk matrix [J]. Technology and Innovation Management, 2021, 42(04): 470-476.





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