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已有 4231 次阅读 2012-6-3 10:21 |系统分类:论文交流| Hot, Article, thermal, CdxZn1-xS, Evaporation

Title: Design, Growth, and Characterization of Morphology-Tunable CdxZn1-xS Nanostructures Generated by a One-step Thermal Evaporation Process


还没有正式的期刊号,不过已经有幸被选为 Hot Article!论文主要讲述的是利用热蒸发法一步合成形貌可控的CdxZn1-xS合金纳米材料,并且从其光致发光以及电致发光性质可以看出,CdxZn1-xS合金纳米材料的带隙连续可调。如果感兴趣,可以下载阅读。下附编辑发过来的一封信。


 Paper Ref.: C2CE25181G

Title: Design, Growth, and Characterization of Morphology-Tunable CdxZn1-xS Nanostructures Generated by a One-step Thermal Evaporation Process

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We look forward to receiving your next paper soon.

High-quality morphology-tunable CdxZn1-xS nanostructures were synthesized through a one-step thermal evaporation process. They are in the forms of (a) nanoswords, (b) super-long nanowires, (c) cubic n ...


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