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实验没做完?不想做实验?来看看这个杂志吧 精选

已有 5698 次阅读 2022-5-27 08:48 |系统分类:论文交流

实验做不完,得到的部分数据不能成文?历经艰辛发表了一篇文章,却突然发现今年单位的考核指标变成了两篇?是不是突然就焦虑呢?今天给大家介绍一个宝藏杂志Scientific Data (SD),仅仅是整理数据就可以发表文章,这个数据可以是网络公用数据,也可以是自己的实验数据,还可以是文献检索后收集整理的数据。

SD杂志是2014年5月由自然出版集团推出的开放获取杂志, ISSN号 2052-4463,2020年影响因子也高达6.444,年文章数412。其历年影响因子如下图所示: 

SD主要发表Data Descriptor (DD)。DD和原始的数据储存库不同,他需要对所提供的实验数据集进行详细的分析,包括对收集数据的方法的描述,以及对收集的数据进行技术验证。DD文稿的更详细的组成部分可以参考杂志的官方稿约https://www.nature.com/sdata/author-instructions,具体要求如下:

Title (110 characters maximum, including white spaces)

Abstract (170 words maximum, no references)

Background & Summary (700 words maximum)

Methods (unlimited length)

Data Records (unlimited length)

Technical Validation (unlimited length)

Usage Notes (unlimited length)

Code Availability


Figures (generally no more than three per manuscript)

Tables (generally no more than ten per manuscript)

作者:Rocia 如需转载请联系美捷登授权,并注明来源美捷登


1.COVID-19 patient accounts of illness severity, treatments and lasting symptoms. Sci Data. 2022;9:2. (通过整理问卷调查内容形成相应内容数据库)

First-person accounts of COVID-19 illness and treatment can complement and enrich data derived from electronic medical or public health records. With patient-reported data, it is uniquely possible to ascertain in-depth contextual information as well as behavioral and emotional responses to illness. The Novel Coronavirus Illness Patient Report (NCIPR) dataset includes complete survey responses from 1,584 confirmed COVID-19 patients ages 18 to 98. NCIPR survey questions address symptoms, medical complications, home and hospital treatments, lasting effects, anxiety about illness, employment impacts, quarantine behaviors, vaccine-related behaviors and effects, and illness of other family/household members. Additional questions address financial security, perceived discrimination, pandemic impacts (relationship, social, stress, sleep), health history, and coping strategies. Detailed patient reports of illness, environment, and psychosocial impact, proximal to timing of infection and considerate of demographic variation, is meaningful for understanding pandemic-related public health from the perspective of those that contracted the disease.

2.MycoDB, a global database of plant response to mycorrhizal fungi. Sci Data. 2016;3:160028(通过收集公开发表文章相关信息总结成数据)

Plants form belowground associations with mycorrhizal fungi in one of the most common symbioses on Earth. However, few large-scale generalizations exist for the structure and function of mycorrhizal symbioses, as the nature of this relationship varies from mutualistic to parasitic and is largely context-dependent. We announce the public release of MycoDB, a database of 4,010 studies (from 438 unique publications) to aid in multi-factor meta-analyses elucidating the ecological and evolutionary context in which mycorrhizal fungi alter plant productivity. Over 10 years with nearly 80 collaborators, we compiled data on the response of plant biomass to mycorrhizal fungal inoculation, including meta-analysis metrics and 24 additional explanatory variables that describe the biotic and abiotic context of each study. We also include phylogenetic trees for all plants and fungi in the database. To our knowledge, MycoDB is the largest ecological meta-analysis database. We aim to share these data to highlight significant gaps in mycorrhizal research and encourage synthesis to explore the ecological and evolutionary generalities that govern mycorrhizal functioning in ecosystems.




作者:Rocia 如需转载请联系美捷登授权,并注明来源美捷登



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