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已有 12919 次阅读 2017-11-7 14:12 |系统分类:论文交流

学术短语句词库(Academic Phrasebank)是一个通用的英语学术论文写作常用短语的资源网站。

该网站是由英国Manchester大学John Morley博士创建,提供了大量的来源于英语为母语学者撰写的学术论文中的学术短语或语句。包括引言、方法、结果、讨论、结论、不足等各个内容撰写时常用的短语。



Academic Phrasebank网址如下:http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/

Academic Phrasebank主页介绍如下:

The Academic Phrasebank is a general resourcefor academic writers. It aims to provide you with examples of some of thephraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of writing organised according to the mainsections of a research paper or dissertation (see the top menu ). Other phrasesare listed under the more general communicative functions of academic writing(see the menu on the left). The resource should be particularly useful forwriters who need to report their research work.The phrases, and the headingsunder which they are listed, can be used simply to assist you in thinking aboutthe content and organisation of your own writing, or the phrases can beincorporated into your writing where this is appropriate. In most cases, acertain amount of creativity and adaptation will be necessary when a phrase isused.The items in the Academic Phrasebank are mostly content neutral andgeneric in nature; in using them, therefore, you are not stealing otherpeople’s ideas and this does not constitute plagiarism. For some of theentries, specific content words have been included for illustrative purposes,and these should be substituted when the phrases are used.The resource wasdesigned primarily for academic and scientific writers who are non-nativespeakers of English. However, native speaker writers may still find much of thematerial helpful. In fact, recent data suggest that the majority of users arenative speakers of English. More about Academic Phrasebank.

This site was createdby John Morley. If youcould spare just two or three minutes of your time, I would be extremelygrateful for any feedback on Academic Phrasebank: Please click here toaccess a very short questionnaire. Thank you.



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