相互作用的异质多主体经济科学国际会议 ESHIA/WEHIA 2009
2009-6-15 11:30

International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, 2009

14th Annual Workshop on Economic with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents

June 18-20, 2009, Beijing Normal University, China

北京师范大学系统科学系主办的ESHIA2009即将在周四开幕了,周4(6月18号)的会议开幕式和Keynote speech都是在英东学术会堂的大报告厅开。



International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, 2009
ESHIA 2009,Beijing

  Main Topics:

  Agent-based modeling, Artificial financial market models, Automata theoretic models of economic and social processes, Computational game theory, Economic processes in social networks, Econophysics, Emergent macroeconomics, Firm birth and death models, Multi-agent models of organizations, Network models, Opinion dynamics, Social norm emergence, Spatial agent models, Spontaneous order/self-organization in economics, Technology innovation, adoption and diffusion, Urban systems as complex adaptive systems

  Keynote speakers:

  Mauro Gallegati (Topic: Complex economics: toward a new paradigm)

  Alan Kirman (Topic: Changing Identity: The Emergence of Social Groups)

  Susumu Yamakage (Topic: Multi-Agent Simulation and Empirical Research in International Relations)

  Invited talks:

  Tina Yu (Topic: Artificial Economic Agents with Heterogeneous Cognitive Capacity and Their Economic Consequences: Study Based on Agent-Based Double Auction Market Simulations)

  Wei-Xing Zhou (Topic: Modeling Order-driven Stock Markets with Applications)

  You-Gui Wang (Topic: Mobility: Measurements and Applications)

  Xuezhong He (Topic: A Dynamic Analysis of the Microstructure of Moving Average Rules in a Double Auction Market)

  Zhan-Gang Han (Topic: How can Heterogeneity emerge from Homogeneity?)


  ESHIA - Society for Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents
  National Natural Science Foundation of China
  Beijing Normal University

  Time: 18~20 June, 2009 (9:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.; 14:00 p.m. to 18:00 p.m.)

  Place: YINGDONG Conference Hall

18 June

8:00~9:00 Conference Registration


Opening Ceremony (Chair: Zeng-Ru Di)


Keynote Speech: Mauro Gallegati (Chair: Zeng-Ru Di)


Tea Break


Invited Talk: Tina Yu (Chair: Zeng-Ru Di)


Taking Photo




Invited Talk: Wei-Xing Zhou (Chair: Shu-Heng Chen)
14:40~16:00 Session I A: Financial Applications (Chair: Shu-Heng Chen)
14:40~15:00 Fei Ren
15:00~15:20 Carl Chiarella
15:20~15:40 Franco Nardini
15:40~16:00 Xin-Yang Li
16:00~16:20 Tea Break
16:20~17:00 Invited Talk: You-Gui Wang (Chair: Matti Estola)
17:00~18:00 Session II A: Macroeconomics (Chair: Matti Estola)
17:00~17:20 Corrado Di Guilmi
17:20~17:40 Philipp Harting
17:40~18:00 Ai-Min Xiong
19:00~20:30 Dinner

19 June

Time Programme
9:00~9:50 Keynote Speech: Alan Kirman (Chair: Mauro Gallegati)
9:50~10:50 Session II B: Macroeconomics (Chair: You-Gui Wang)
9:50~10:10 Matti Estola
10:10~10:30 Si-Yan CHEN
10:30~10:50 Massimo Ricottilli
10:50~11:10 Tea break
11:10~12:30 Session I B: Financial Applications (Chair: Carl Chiarella)
11:10~11:30 Li Zhao
11:30~11:50 Min Zheng
11:50~12:10 Andreas Krause
12:10~12:30 Tong-Kui Yu
12:30~14:00 Lunch
14:00~14:40 Invited Talk: Xue-Zhong He (Chair: Shu-Heng Chen)
14:40~16:00 Session III A: Game and Market Dynamics (Chair: Shu-Heng Chen)
14:40~15:00 Elenna Dugundji
15:00~15:20 Gang Wang
15:20~15:40 Petr Svarc
15:40~16:00 Yuya Ushida
16:00~16:20 Tea break
16:20~17:40 Session III B: Game and Market Dynamics (Chair: Xue-Zhong He)
16:20~16:40 Wei Wang
16:40~17:00 Han Liu
17:00~17:20 Rong Lan
17:20~17:40 Yi-Ming Ding

20 June

Time Programme
9:00~9:50 Keynote Speech: Susumu Yamakage (Chair: Alan Kirman)
9:50~10:00 Short Break
10:00~10:40 Invited Talk: Zhan-Gang Han (Chair: Alan Kirman)
10:40~11:00 Tea Break
11:00~12:20 Session IV: Network and Modeling Approach (Chair: Susumu Yamakage)
11:00~11:20 Toshihiko Yamamoto
11:20~11:40 Guo-Cheng  Wang
11:40~12:00 Jing-Jing Wang
12:00~12:20 Michael Neugart
12:20~12:30 Closing Ceremony
12:30~14:00 Lunch
14:00~19:00 Tour to Summer Palace
19:00~20:30 Dinner






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