Dr. Xiao developed and is performing a novel procedure in China that connects a functioning, healthy lumbar spinal nerve root to the sacral nerve that controls the bladder. The end result is the creation of a new reflex where the bladder can be emptied by scratching or stimulating the skin supplied by that spinal nerve root. He has reported that in 92 SCI patients, 88% regained bladder control within one year after the nerve rerouting surgery and in 110 children with spina bifida, reported success in 87% at one year.
Evan Kass Please do not misunderstand my position. I have no information about whether or not Dr Fang committed plagerism and therefore I dd not accuse him of such an act and I do not now I was merely reporting the information that I heard from Dr Xiao because it is my understanding that the difficulties between Dr Fang and Dr Xiao was a result of this charge by Dr Xiao, and a major reason for the ongoing feud between these two men. In my opinion, when feelings of revenge, whether justified or not justified, come to motivate behavior, one can not expect that individual to be an objecive critic. It seems to me that the feud between these two men has continued long after a simple resolution of the situation was possible and now we have reached the point of no return in this feud. This battle seems to be one that no one will win, and there will be no good that results.