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已有 5948 次阅读 2010-9-7 19:41 |个人分类:观点|系统分类:科普集锦| 人工, 肾脏, 可植入

许先生博客转载新浪健康讯‘全球第一个可植入人工肾脏在美国问世’, 如属实本是一个医学界的一件大事。但该篇译文有严重疏漏。原文:

An artificial kidney that would be implanted inside the body and work as well as a living organ is just around the corner, scientists have revealed.

U.S researchers have just unveiled the first prototype model of the device, that could eliminate the need for dialysis.

It would include thousands of microscopic filters to remove toxins from the blood and a bioreactor to mimic the metabolic and water-balancing roles of a real kidney.

The kidney is being developed in a collaborative effort by engineers, biologists and physicians led by Dr Shuvo Roy at the University of California San Francisco.

- from DailyMail.co.uk, ‘First implantable artificial kidney could remove demand for dialysis and donor organs’,on 7th September 2010


- 驱动该人工肾脏的能源何来?
- 动物实验结果?

Shuvo Roy博士的专长是MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) technology技术,可植入设备尚有太多东西要搞清楚。


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