一蓑秋雨分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/gongshiliang 博士/教授,主要从事城市地质、地面沉降、资源与环境等方面研究



已有 3459 次阅读 2014-8-4 10:25 |个人分类:《上海国土资源(原《上海地质》)》|系统分类:论文交流| 学术期刊, 刊文题录, 上海国土资源, 论文交流, 论文索引




专家访谈 [Exclusive Interview]
[1] 党国英. 中国土地规划管理及其改革[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):1-5.
Dang G Y. The land planning management system in China and its pathway of reform[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):1-5.
[2] 中国社会科学院农村发展研究所党国英研究员学术成就概要[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):封2.
Summary of the Academic Achievements of Doctor DANG Guo-Ying, Professor of the Rural Development Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3): cover II.


土地研究 [Land Research]
[3] 王玉波. 社会转型期城市土地公共治理政策研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):6-10,26.
Wang Y B. Urban land public governance policies in China’s societal transformation[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):6-10,26.
[4] 洪小翠,楼江. 我国土地发展权配置与流转制度设计[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):11-14.
Hong X C, Lou J. Design of the land development rights allocation and transfer system in China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):11-14.
[5] 张勇,汪应宏,包婷婷,等. 土地整治研究进展综述与展望[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):15-20.
Zhang Y, Wang Y H, Bao T T, et al. A review of the progress and direction of land consolidation research[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):15-20.
[6] 庄一琦. 转型发展背景下上海市区县土地整治规划编制方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):21-26.
Zhuang Y Q. Methods used for land reclamation in districts and counties in the context of land utilization and development in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):21-26.
[7] 韩璐,鲍海君,徐保根. 新型城镇化下我国留地安置制度的博弈分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):27-30.
Han L, Bao H J, Xu B G. Game relationship analysis of the land resettlement system under continuing urbanization in China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):27-30.
[8] 孙彦伟. 新时期上海土地整治工程体系的调整策略[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):31-35.
Sun Y W. Adjustment of the strategy for the Shanghai land consolidation engineering system in the modern era[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):31-35.
[9] 苑韶峰,李帆,杨丽霞. 农地流转影响因素分析及其潜力测算[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):36-38,64.
Yuan S F, Li F, Yang L X. An analysis of the influences on and potential for farmland transfer[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):36-38,64.
[10] 李锦亮. 农村集体土地所有权争议调解研究及政策建议[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):39-42.
Li J L. Rural collective land ownership dispute mediation research and policy suggestion[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):39-42.
[11] 陆效平,王静,金志丰. 江苏省建设用地扩展类型及对经济增长的贡献研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):43-46.
Lu X P, Wang J, Jin Z F. Construction land expansion types and their contribution to economic growth in Jiangsu province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):43-46.
[12] 孙东升. 开发区土地集约利用评价中指标理想值的确定[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):47-49.
Sun D S. Evaluation of the intensity of land use in development zones[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):47-49.
[13] 朱龙高,王富喜. 烟台城市空间扩展的过程与机制研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):50-53.
Zhu L G, Wang F X. The process and mechanism of urban spatial expansion in Yantai city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):50-53.
[14] 陈笑媛,田茂勋,吴贵洪. 矿业城市产业转型中资源保护问题研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):54-57.
Chen X Y, Tian M X, Wu G H. Resource protection issues in the industrial transformation of a mining city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):54-57.
[15] 顾卫锋. 上海城市三维地籍建立的关键问题研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):58-64.
Gu W F. Key problems of the Shanghai urban three-dimensional cadastre[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):58-64.
[16] 王瑞. 上海城市土地空间权利体系与登记研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):65-68.
Wang R. The urban land space rights system and registration in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):65-68.
[17] 雷耀. 新一轮土地利用总体规划实施评价研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):69-72.
Lei Y. An evaluation of the implementation of a new phase of general land use planning[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):69-72.


环境地质 [Environmental Geology]
[18] 陈大平. 上海深部地下空间开发关键地质问题分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):73-77.
Chen D P. Key geological problems of deep underground space development in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):73-77.
[19] 阳吉宝,张春波,谷远朋,等. 基于蒙特卡洛方法的基坑抗突涌稳定性分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):78-81.
Yang J B, Zhang C B, Gu Y P, et al. Analysis of the heave-piping stability of foundation pits based on a Monte-Carlo method[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):78-81.
[20] 杨承帆,尹观,连尔刚,等. 基于氢氧同位素方法的城市水体蒸发定量估算[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):82-85,99.
Yang C F, Yin G, Lian E G, et al. A quantitative estimation of urban water body evaporation using hydrogen and oxygen isotopes[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):82-85,99.
[21] 袁华江. 美国油气法特殊规则的经济实质分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):86-89.
Yuan H J. An economic analysis of US oil and gas laws[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):86-89.
[22] 蔡华,张建培,余逸凡. 东海西湖凹陷古近系砂岩骨架颗粒构成及控制因素[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):90-94.
Cai H, Zhang J P, Yu Y F. Components and controlling factors of the Paleogene sandstone grain framework in the Xihu sag of the East China Sea[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):90-94.
[23] 李键. 断层封堵性分析及SGR方法在东海勘探区应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):95-99.
Li J. Fault sealing property analysis and a shale gouge ratio method applied to an exploration area in the East China Sea[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2014,35(3):95-99.


[24] 上海市地质学会. 上海市地质学会第九次代表大会召开,孟宪来到会讲话[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):封3.
[25] 上海市地质学会. 上海市地质学会第九届理事会成员与专委会组成[J]. 上海国土资源,2014,35(3):100.



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