Griffin and Stanish使用Repast构建一个Titicaca湖流域(在秘鲁和玻利维亚)的史前仿真模型,时期从公元前2500年到公元1000年。该模型用于研究关于影响史前人群分布和政治联合的一些因素的假设。该模型的地理空间结构包括5万平方公里的网格,每个网格1.5平方。每个格子模拟该地的地理、水文和农业状态。主体(agent)包括村落、人群、政治团体和领袖;他们互相作用,并与环境交互。主体的行为建模根据理论假说中的影响农业、迁徙、竞争和贸易的因素按“条件-行为”模式来进行。
Griffin and Stanish [17] developed an agent-based model, using Repast,
for the Lake Titicaca basin of Peru and Bolivia covering the late prehis-
toric period, 2500 BC to AD 1000. The model was used to study hypotheses
for the causal variables affecting prehistoric settlement patterns and polit-
ical consolidations. The model’s geo-spatial structure consists of a 50,000
km 2 grid composed of 1.5-km square cells. Each cell modeled the geography,
hydrology, and agricultural potential. Agents consist of settlements, peoples,
political entities, and leaders that interact with each other and with the envi-
ronment (grid). Agent behavior is modeled as a set of condition-action rules
that are based on hypothesized causal factors affecting agriculture, migra-
tion, competition, and trade processes. The authors report that through a
series of simulation runs, the model produced a range of alternative political
prehistories and the emergence of macro-level patterns that corresponded to
observed patterns in the archaeological record. Simulation results provided
insights into region-wide political consolidation.
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