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已有 10691 次阅读 2011-8-8 03:24 |个人分类:伪劣科普打假|系统分类:人物纪事| 抄袭, 剽窃, 方舟子, Burton, 卢-伯斯顿



方舟子剽窃卢-伯斯顿教授一案持续发酵,由于我强烈要求密西根州立大学(MSU)进行官方表态,给方舟子及其支持者造成了极大压力,方舟子的支持者开始对卢-伯斯顿教授出言不逊,还搬出来了方舟子在MSU的导师助阵,方舟子导师Zachary Burton出口不凡,方舟子一篇学术文章吹到天上去了,然后针对卢伯斯顿教授的详细论证不置一词,就信誓旦旦地宣称卢伯斯顿教授无理!野蛮地宣称对方舟子的支持。Good Job,干得好。有其徒必有其师?


To the list,

As Dr. Shi-min Fang’s former graduate school mentor, I would like to re-iterate my support for Dr. Fang’s prominent position in Chinese society.

I have no interest in the efforts of Dr. Fang’s political opponents to try to discredit him.

Dr. Fang completed a good quality thesis in my laboratory, awarded in 1996. He published a high quality research paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry based on his thesis work. So far as I know, his thesis work has passed the test of time, and Transcription Factor for RNA polymerase II (TFII)F still interacts with TFIIB.

If there is merit in Dr. Root-Bernstein’s accusations, I fail to see it. Dr. Fang has responded to Dr. Root-Bernstein in a reasonable and measured way.

With best regards and sincerity,

Zachary Burton, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Michigan State University
E. Lansing, MI 48824-1319


To all on list:

I am totally surprised at Dr. Burton's response to this matter, not really surprised that he has such a response, but he speaks up for Dr. Fang. Like father like son. Dr. Fang's failure to behave with integrity can be partly attributed to Dr. Burton. He is Dr. Fang's supervisor in MSU. My comments earlier at MSU's failed education would be partly an indictment of Dr. Burton, who provided much supervision of Dr. Fang at MSU. Dr. Fang had plagiarized an article with the title "student plagiarism, faculty responsibility". This is really ironic, convenient, and entertaining.

Dr. Burton points to one paper as success of Dr. Fang. No wonder Dr.Fang blatantly declared that he was the best student, not one of the best students, of Dr. Burton. While Dr. Burton can point to one publication of Dr. Fang, I can point to many of his failures to grasp the basic concept in biochemistry. If anyone on this list is interested, I can provide ample examples. Challenge me, name a number! I will satisfy you and I am not a biochemist!

Dr. Burton stood by Dr. Fang to a degree that I had firstly conceived the idea to expose the hypocrisy in American education. I had contacted Dr. Burton to verify Dr. Fang's unreasonable claims he made in public discussions, mostly how Dr. Burton viewed him as a student.That was Dr. Fang's initial effort to promote himself. Dr. Burton did not answer any of my questions directly. When I insisted on his opinion and memory, he asked me to ASK Dr. Fang! Of course Dr. Fang would give me his HONEST answer, right?

Dr. Fang has a prominent position in China, that's right. But Dr. Burton's support probably matters little there. I have exposed that source of support recently. Dr. Fang's wife was a reporter and probably hold a significant position in the State media, the Xinhua News Agency (XNA). This is the state organ for official media control and propaganda. Dr. Fang's wife Liu had plagiarized her whole master thesis. We reported it to the degree grantor and in public. Then we discovered that she had plagiarized many articles as an employee in XNA as well. Dr. Fang had been lamenting that most of the plagiarizers he had exposed were not punished for a decade. Then we discovered his wife's plagiarism, unmatched by any of the plagiarism cases exposed by Fang. Guess what? There are even no signs that she will ever be punished for her gross violation of academic integrity! There is no freedom of speech in China. Dr. Fang's ascending to this level of prominence is irrelevant to his integrity or fraud-busting activities. He was exposed as a plagiarizer almost as soon as he was establishing a reputation as fraud-buster. By the way, it is Dr, Xiao, his arch enemy who had exposed him first.

You would expect an upright person to really stand up for integrity. At least you distance yourself from evil. Dr. Fang initially claimed that he did not marry Liu yet when she plagiarized her thesis. This is an indication that he probably had an ounce of conscience there. But the last ounce quickly melted away. His wife published on his blog that she was proud of her work (Yeah, in China the unthinkable always happens, she's XNA). Dr. Fang made a public threat to all of us who contributed to expose his wife. Dr. Fang and Liu was right, Liu's thesis was discovered in the "Chinese Best Master Theses Database". Whatever force that protects and promotes Liu is the reason of Dr. Fang's prominence. Dr. Burton, please do not overestimated the importance of your support. It can be misused and amounts to nothing. Unable to take a moral stand against evil and be honest in the first place, you yourself have a credibility issue here.

I still insist the MSU has to have an official position in this matter. If MSU had acted properly, Dr. Bernstein could be spared all this unnecessary and unproductive dialogue. Dr. Fang and Dr. Burton can be defiant to Dr. Bernstein, but they are within bounds of MSU.

I'm Chinese and I'm not proud of fraud rampant China. I'm all for fraud-busting. I had defended Fang when I was duped to believe he was he had claimed to be. Be careful in selecting who you really should support.

With best regards and sincerity

Junlin Liao, Ph.D.


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