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Robert Scoble - 这个家伙最早在Twitter上向世界报告中国地震

已有 5548 次阅读 2008-5-21 09:54 |个人分类:5.12地震

Robert Scoble 最早在Twitter上向世界报告中国发生地震。

5月11日美国太平洋时间11:37pm,也就是北京时间5月12日2:37pm,当他使用Twitter(一种类似于IM的交际工具)看到Google Talk上有一个dtan的中国人报告北京有地震感觉时,便在Twitter上作了报告,早于美国地质调查局(USGS),比CNN和其他媒体早一个小时。

Using Twitter To Report Quake In China

BBC: Twitter and the China earthquake.

I reported the major quake to my followers on Twitter before the USGS Website had a report up and about an hour before CNN or major press started talking about it. Now there’s lots of info over on Google News.

How did I do that? Well, I was watching Twitter on Google Talk. Several people in China reported to me they felt the quake WHILE IT WAS GOING ON!!!

Over the next two hours I pointed at anyone who had info about the quake on my Twitter account.

It’s amazing the kind of news you can learn by being on Twitter and the connections you can make among people across the world.

I fear a large casualty loss. The epicenter was 50 miles from Chengdu, which has about 10.5 million residents. Already reports are coming across of buildings that have been knocked down.

dtan was the first Twitterer I saw talking about the quake. This was my first post in reaction to him.

UPDATE: Online Journalism Blog has a lot more details about what happened on Twitter tonight. From the Frontline blog has even more.

UPDATE2: Global Voices Online has links to videos and other Twitter and blog reports.

UPDATE3: here’s a timeline of what first Tweets looked like.


上一篇:(转贴) 纽约时报评论:历史的震动:中国的创新能量莫明其妙地萎缩了
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