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云师大马铃薯研究院王洪洋博士在top期刊《Environmental Research》发表研究成果

已有 551 次阅读 2024-10-18 21:35 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2024年10月18日,Elsevier 旗下top期刊《Environmental Research》在线发表了云南师范大学马铃薯研究院王洪洋博士团队与云南大学、广西大学、临沂大学、美国南达科塔州州立大学(South Dakota State University)、沙特国王大学(King Saud University)、费萨拉巴德政府学院大学、巴基斯坦费萨拉巴德政府学院大学、阿卜杜勒·瓦利·汗大学马尔丹分校(Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)和云南农业大学等团队合作的最新研究成果《Pear twig biochar combined with nitrogen fertilizer regulates morpho-physiological growth, copper uptake and tuber quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in polluted soil》。云南师范大学马铃薯研究院王洪洋博士、云南大学Gang Deng、阿卜杜勒·瓦利·汗大学马尔丹分校Shah Fahad 、云南农业大学Xia Liu为共同通讯作者。




Application of pear twig derived biochar and nitrogen fertilizer is strategic for addressing the challenges posed by copper pollution in soils. Their combined use aims to improve plant health and promote sustainable agricultural practices, which leads to better potato growth and quality. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the effects of different levels of pear twig biochar (B0:0, B1:3, B2:5, B3:7% w/w) combined with nitrogen fertilizer (N0:0, N1:150, N2:200, N3:250, N4:300 mg kg-1) on morpho-physiological growth and copper uptake of potato cultivated in Cu polluted soil. Results showed that combined approach of pear twig biochar and nitrogen significantly influenced morpho-physiology, antioxidant enzyme activity, mineral content and tuber quality of potato. B2N3 significantly increased the plant height and chlorophyll in plants as compared to B0N0 (control). Malondialdehyde and proline contents were highest in control; however, maximum reductions in MDA and proline contents were recorded at B2N4 (70.32% and 92.12% at budding stage, respectively) and at B2N3 (82.44% and 91.93% at flowering stage, respectively). Likewise, B2N3 showed maximum reduction in activities of peroxidase (7343.47 and 11077.27 U g-1), catalase (1184.98 and 165.64 U g-1) and superoxide dismutase (14.84 and 19.94 U g-1) at budding and flowering stages, respectively. However, lowest contents of soil available Cu (2.03 ± 0.5 μg g-1) and tuber flesh Cu (4.44 ± 0.3 μg g-1) were recorded at B2N3 as compared to control. Interestingly, 7% biochar at all levels of nitrogen exhibited a significant decrease in soil available Cu and tuber flesh Cu. Tuber quality traits were also significantly improved at B2N3 as compared to control. However, future research and field trials can help refine the best practices for integrating these elements in different agricultural systems.



云师大马铃薯研究院王洪洋博士在top期刊《Science of The Total Environment》发表研究成果


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下一篇:云师大物电学院欧全宏、汤俊琪在硅酸盐top期刊《Ceramics International》发表最新研究成果
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