2024-7-5 08:36

    EB病毒(EBV,Epstein-Barr virus)能导致一系列疾病发生,特别是慢性EBV感染易引发癌症如鼻咽癌、淋巴癌等。近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Science上题为“A metabolic dependency of EBV can be targeted to hinder B cell transformation”的研究论文中,来自巴塞尔大学等机构的科学家们通过研究发现,抑制感染细胞中的特殊代谢途径或能减少EB病毒的潜伏感染,从而降低个体患下游疾病的风险。


    整整60年前,病理学家Anthony Epstein和病毒学家Yvonne Barr宣布他们发现了一种新的病毒,并以他们的名字命名,EBV——作为第一种被证实能够在人类引起癌症的病毒,创造了科学史,上述两位研究人员成功从肿瘤组织样本中分离到了EBV,其是疱疹病毒家族的一份子,同时还在后续的实验中阐明了EBV潜在的致癌潜力。

    听着很可怕?其实,我们大多数人群都是EBV的携带者,90%的成年人都感染过这种病毒,不过,大部分的感染者并没有明显疾病症状,也不会引起疾病发生。并且,大约50%的人群会在5岁之前就会经历EB病毒感染。该病毒引起的急性感染会引起传染性单核细胞增多症(glandular fever),也就是我们俗称的接吻病,其会让感染者丧失数月的活动能力,除了其具有一定的致癌特性外,EBV还被推测参与到了诸如多发性硬化症等人类自身免疫性疾病的发病过程中。


    具体而言,研究人员发现,病毒能诱发感染的细胞会加速产生名为吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶1(indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 ,IDO1)的酶类,导致线粒体产生更多的能量,而这些额外的能量正是EBV重编程B细胞增加其代谢和快速增殖所需要的。

    在临床上,研究人员重点研究了器官移植后患上EBV所诱导的血液癌症患者,为了防止移植的器官被机体排斥,研究人员就需要利用药物来削弱宿主机体免疫系统的功能,这就会让EBV更容易占据上风并引起血液癌症,即移植后淋巴瘤(post-transplant lymphoma)。






编辑总结Editor’s summary

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a prevalent, persistent infection in humans. Although many cases are asymptomatic, EBV may cause disease in individuals with a weakened immune system. Müller-Durovic et al. found that the virally encoded protein EBNA2 induced the expression of the metabolic enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) in infected B cells and sustained their subsequent proliferation and transformation into malignant cells. In transplant recipients, elevated expression of IDO1 in B cells preceded the development of lymphoma. Treating mice with a small-molecule inhibitor of IDO1 before infection with EBV decreased the development of tumors, suggesting that blocking the pathway might be a strategy for protecting EBV-negative individuals receiving solid organ transplants. —Sarah H. Ross

Epstein-Barr病毒(EBV)是人类普遍存在的持续性感染。尽管许多病例无症状,但在免疫系统受损的个体中,EBV可能引起疾病。Müller-Durovic等人发现,病毒编码的蛋白EBNA2在感染的B细胞中诱导了代谢酶吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶1(IDO1)的表达,并维持了它们随后的增殖和转化为恶性细胞。在移植受者中,B细胞中IDO1的表达升高先于淋巴瘤的发展。在感染EBV之前,用小分子IDO1抑制剂治疗小鼠减少了肿瘤的发展,表明阻断这一途径可能是保护接受实体器官移植的EBV阴性个体的策略。—Sarah H. Ross



More than 90% of the adult population worldwide are infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV, which belongs to the γ-herpes virus family, is transferred through saliva, and, if symptomatic, de novo infection causes infectious mononucleosis. The virus is B cell tropic and establishes lifelong latent infection in this cellular compartment. Originally, EBV was identified in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, and the virus is well known for its growth-transforming and tumorigenic properties. EBV can also cause life-threatening hyperinflammation (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis) and has also been strongly associated with the development of autoimmunity (e.g., multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus). When infecting B cells, EBV causes their rapid growth and proliferation, a metabolically demanding process that is a prerequisite for establishing latency.



The metabolic challenge that EBV imposes on nascently infected B cells may create bottlenecks for the virus en route to establishing latent infection. Targeting such early host cell metabolic dependencies of EBV could hinder progression to latency, the infection stage underpinning most EBV-related pathologies.



We performed unbiased metabolomic and transcriptome-based analyses and found evidence that the activity of the kynurenine pathway and the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) de novo synthesis pathway were up-regulated in B cells during the prelatency phase after EBV infection. We discovered that the viral protein, EBV-encoded transactivator EBNA2, in cooperation with the host B cell transcription factor EBF1, drove induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the kynurenine pathway. IDO1-dependent degradation of tryptophan fueled NAD de novo synthesis, which supported mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate production in the early phase of EBV infection. Pharmacologic inhibition of IDO1 rendered B cells up to 100-fold less susceptible to EBV transformation, a hurdle that was removed by adding back the product of IDO1, kynurenine, as well as by supplementing nicotinic acid mononucleotide, the direct precursor of NAD.

In the peripheral blood of patients that eventually developed posttransplant lymphoma, we identified a population of B cells that expressed EBNA2 as well as IDO1, suggesting that, before development of EBV-driven malignancy, the molecular axis we uncovered in vitro may be engaged in vivo. In mice, blocking IDO1 pharmacologically, or deleting IDO1 genetically in B cells, reduced EBV viral loads and inhibited the formation of B cell tumors.




Early after infecting B cells, EBV induced the expression of IDO1 in host cells, which changed the activity of B cell metabolic pathways. Hijacking this host axis was a metabolic requirement for the virus to efficiently establish latent infection, in vitro and in vivo. Targeting IDO1 clinically may thus offer an opportunity to interfere with progression of EBV infection in B cells from prelatency to latency. EBV-naïve solid organ transplant recipients are at a very high risk for developing posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs), particularly when EBV-negative recipients receive tissue from EBV-positive donors. In this context, pharmacological inhibition of IDO1 could limit EBV-driven pathology. Precisely defining metabolic bottlenecks that viruses have evolved to depend upon in vivo may identify druggable targets beyond IDO1 in other settings.

EBV在感染B细胞后早期诱导宿主细胞中代谢酶IDO1的表达,这改变了B细胞代谢途径的活性。劫持宿主信号轴是病毒有效建立潜伏感染的代谢需求,无论是体外还是体内。因此,临床上针对IDO1可能提供了一个干扰EBV感染从前潜伏期到潜伏期进展的机会。EBV阴性的实体器官移植受者在发展移植后增生性疾病(PTLD)方面风险极高,特别是当EBV阴性受者接受EBV阳性供者的组织时。在这种情况下,药理学抑制IDO1可能限制EBV驱动的病理学。此外,精确定义病毒在体内进化依赖的代谢瓶颈 可能有助于识别IDO1之外的其他情况下的药物靶标。

DOI: 10.1126/science.adk4898


参考文献:BOJANA MÜLLER-DUROVIC,JESSICA JÄGER,CHRISTINE ENGELMANN, et al. A metabolic dependency of EBV can be targeted to hinder B cell transformation, Science (2024). 





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