2024年5月16日,比利时鲁汶大学癌症生物学中心Jean-Christophe Marine以通讯作者在《自然》发表了题为“Decoding the interplay between genetic and non-genetic drivers of metastasis”的综述,深入探讨了促进肿瘤转移进展的遗传和非遗传驱动因素之间复杂的相互作用。
(Metastasis encompasses a series of biological events, namely, dissemination, dormancy and outbreak)a, 原发肿瘤由异质性的细胞群组成,这些细胞群表现出不同的形态和表型特性。cDC,传统的树突状细胞。b, 转移启动细胞(MICs)可以直接进入血管进入血液循环和/或通过淋巴系统播散。淋巴结是播散性肿瘤细胞的中转停留地,在这里,它们对铁死亡变得有抵抗力,并诱导局部免疫环境的改变,从而实现免疫逃逸。在循环系统中,循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)也启动生存机制来克服流体剪切应力,避免由活性氧种类引起的细胞死亡,并逃避免疫监视。CTCs以单个细胞或细胞簇的形式存在,随后渗出并定殖远处器官。Treg细胞,即调节性T细胞。c, 渗出的CTCs殖民远处器官,通常遵循非随机路径(器官特异性归巢)并面临可能持续很长时间的休眠状态(dormancy)。各种器官和细胞类型特异性的微环境因素触发肿瘤觉醒并促进生长。持续的炎症信号、细胞外囊泡(EV)的货物和可溶性细胞因子是导致转移性生长的其他微环境线索。肺部的慢性炎症可能促进中性粒细胞细胞外陷阱(NETs)的积累,在这些陷阱中,蛋白酶切割ECM释放的表位激活整合素信号通路和休眠细胞的生长。在大脑中,定殖的MICs接收到由星形胶质细胞衍生的外泌体转移的微小RNA,这些RNA沉默了肿瘤抑制因子PTEN,导致脑转移肿瘤的生长。在肝脏中,由活化的星状细胞分泌的细胞因子诱导肿瘤细胞从休眠中苏醒,这些细胞因子与NK受体结合,抑制NK细胞的扩增并促进肿瘤生长。miRNA,微小RNA。
The acquisition of MIC phenotypic traits includes invasive/mesenchymal-like features promoting dissemination. MICs may decrease their stemness potential, adapt to changes in ECM composition, stiffness and oxygen availability, evade immune surveillance, rewire their metabolic activity and/or increase their motility in response to microbiota. FA, fatty acid.
作者强调表型可塑性是转移性状的重要来源。癌细胞可以参与多种转录程序,如上皮-间质转化(epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition,EMT),以响应微环境提示,赋予侵袭和迁移能力。有趣的是,最近的证据表明,部分或混合EMT表型可能比完整的EMT程序更有利于转移定植。
这篇综述深入探讨了转移的不同阶段,包括扩散、休眠和转移爆发。在扩散过程中,转移起始细胞(metastasis-initiating cells,MIC)必须获得促进侵袭、浸润和在循环中存活的特性。作者强调了癌症干细胞(cancer stem cell , CSC)和MIC之间的潜在重叠和分歧,以及非基因机制在驱动这些表型中的作用。
Metastasis is a multistep process by which cancer cells break away from their original location and spread to distant organs, and is responsible for the vast majority of cancer-related deaths. Preventing early metastatic dissemination would revolutionize the ability to fight cancer. Unfortunately, the relatively poor understanding of the molecular underpinnings of metastasis has hampered the development of effective anti-metastatic drugs. Although it is now accepted that disseminating tumour cells need to acquire multiple competencies to face the many obstacles they encounter before reaching their metastatic site(s), whether these competencies are acquired through an accumulation of metastasis-specific genetic alterations and/or non-genetic events is often debated. Here we review a growing body of literature highlighting the importance of both genetic and non-genetic reprogramming events during the metastatic cascade, and discuss how genetic and non-genetic processes act in concert to confer metastatic competencies. We also describe how recent technological advances, and in particular the advent of single-cell multi-omics and barcoding approaches, will help to better elucidate the cross-talk between genetic and non-genetic mechanisms of metastasis and ultimately inform innovative paths for the early detection and interception of this lethal process.
参考文献:Karras, P., Black, J.R.M., McGranahan, N. et al. Decoding the interplay between genetic and non-genetic drivers of metastasis. Nature 629, 543–554 (2024).
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