2014-6-22 12:45





Dear Dr. Wang,


Thank you for your interest and submission to XXXXXXXXX. Unfortunately, after an initial evaluation, I feel your manuscript is not appropriate for this journal's readership.


However, I do think it could be considered by another journal, and I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the article transfer service that " XXXXXXXXX " is part of. This gives you the option to have your manuscript files and details transferred automatically to another journal. This removes the need for you to resubmit and reformat your manuscript, saving you valuable time and effort during the submission process.


If you click the link below you will find relevant information about the new journal to which I recommend transferring your submission. You have the option to accept or decline the transfer offer from the same web page:


XXXXXXXXX: Regional Studies (注意:冒号前面的刊名与我们所投刊物的刊名完全一样)


(某出版社) has just launched a new Gold Open Access journalXXXXXXXXX: Regional Studies. This new title, published in cooperation with XXXXXXXXX, publishes original research papers enhancing the required science of (某学科) for studying region specific problems, past and future conditions, analysis, review and solutions. Relevant topics include 之一; 之二; 之三; 之四; 之五;之六; 之七; 之八. See full aims and scope below or visit the webpage at http:(略去)


I believe your paper fits the aims and scope I would like to invite you to direct your paper to the new journal.


Besides being better suited in terms of scope and regional topic, there are other benefits you may consider when transferring your paper to XXXXXXXXX: Regional Studies

* Your article will be freely available to all readers online in perpetuity and will benefit from exposure on (某出版社), increasing citation opportunities

* Discounted open access fees for authors who publish in the first (4) volumes

* After acceptance, their paper will be available online within 3 weeks

* Authors can make use of additional article features, such as the MATLAB figure viewer, interactive maps, supplementary data, and audioslides.

Aims and Scope:


Open Access journal

This journal is fully open access; all articles will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.


The publication fee for this journal is $1800 per accepted article, excluding taxes. Publication fees will be deeply discounted by 90% during 2014.


As this journal is new, it cannot have an Impact Factor yet, but it is expected that within a few years it will obtain one. However, since its inception it will be indexed in Scopus and citations to papers will become immediately visible.





Yours sincerely,










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