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已有 9705 次阅读 2008-12-10 19:22 |个人分类:地球系统科学|系统分类:科研笔记| 统计, 退稿, 土壤, 修改稿件

注:PSD指particle-size distribution土壤粒径分布
插的(有3-1mm)的数据,与我所引的两项中国人Zhu and Fan,
1999; Cai et al, 2003的研究类似,而本研究是使用分形概念
Reviewer #2 finds the manuscript unacceptable first because the
scientific content is close to a non-quoted paper previously published
by Rousseva,1997.

If the authors have read the paper, then they should not have repeat the

same idea again just using a different database and different empirical

models. This paper offers nothing new and such empirical comparisons

using various models do not offer much insight into the development of

the particle-size ditribution theory
I am concerned about the use of a fractal approach to extrapolate

data, since a fractal model is associated with PSD described by

power-laws, at least on sub- domains, and most of the PSD models that

you use contradict this power-law assumption.
the author mixes two distinct models to achieve the conversion(审稿人1)

The above premise is sound but the conversion between two different

systems was previously shown to require the consideration of combined

texture triangle diagram and the related separate limits in each system.
 Although there are some differences in fitting the data and in

summarizing the PSD to its mean and standard deviation in the above

references, the problem needs some discussion
I have a basic question relative to fitting data to
 a model then using the model in, say, hydraulic
 properties of a soil. Why not use the observed data
 directly? Can you better develop the need for this
 process? Are there examples to use.


Dear *** *** ***,

I very much regret to inform you that your manuscript is not recommended

for publication in our journal. This decision is based on the following

expert reviewers, which I hope you will find useful.

Reviewer #2 finds the manuscript unacceptable first because the

scientific content is close to a non-quoted paper previously published

by Rousseva,1997.

I suggest you to read this paper, to quote it of course, and to improve

your own manuscript taking into account this paper and Reviewer #1's

comments, in order to publish your specific study in a more practical


I would add some personal comments:

1) I consider that good fitting of a soil PSD model does not mean good

estimation of the soil hydraulic properties (cf. your conclusive

sentence). This depends if there exists some sound relationship between

the parameters of the PSD model and the parameters of the hydraulic

properties. This might be the case with the Van Genuchten mode, since an

explicit link is theoretically proposed between the n, m parameters and

a parameterization of the hydraulic properties, but this is not the case

of all the models you tested.

2) I am concerned about the use of a fractal approach to extrapolate

data, since a fractal model is associated with PSD described by

power-laws, at least on sub- domains, and most of the PSD models that

you use contradict this power-law assumption.

3) In a Geoderma paper, we would avoid some basic definition as

Eq.1 for R2, since this is well known by the scientist audience.

Depending on the type of audience you expect if you publish your

research report in a more applied journal as I recommend you, you can

decide to keep this definition.

With my best regards

Dr Edith Perrier

Joint Editor-in-Chief Geoderma

Reviewer #1: Review of GEODER4664,"An investigation of soil

particle-size distribution models for the conversion of soil texture

classification from ISSS and Kachinsky to USDA System" by *** ***


The author fits three sets of China soil data to as many as ten models

and compares the performance of each model with the data. The majority

of the observed data are expressed in the ISSS system of classification

with the upper cutoff limits for the separates in the sand, silt, and

clay placed, respectively, at 2, .02, and .002 mm. The other two sets

have the upper limits for the sand separate placed at 1 mm with mixed

limits for other separates. These two sets are in Kachinsky system of


The expressed objective of the manuscript is to convert data from these

three systems to equivalent textures in the USDA system of

classification with the upper cut off limits for the separates in the

sand, silt, and clay placed, respectively, at 2, .05, and .002 mm.

Although the author does not describe the soil texture triangle for

Kachinsky system of classifications, with which this reviewer has no

familiarity, the paper may be reviewed without that information (see below).

Although not specifically stated, the premise of the conversion to the

USDA system of classification is that a model that fits the PSD of one

data system with predetermined separate limits can be used to describe

the PSD of another system with different separate limits. On this basis,

the author follows routine procedures to fit the data to several

previously used models and obtains his results.

The above premise is sound but the conversion between two different

systems was previously shown to require the consideration of combined

texture triangle diagram and the related separate limits in each system.

For example, Shirazi, et al. (2001), also referenced by the author,

showed that texture conversion from the ISSS system to the USDA system

is always possible, but the reverse conversion is limited on the basis

of the equality of the geometric mean and the geometric standard

deviation of the whole sample (Plate 2C). Those authors explored the

problem in more detail in Shirazi and Boersma (Iranian Journal of

Science and technology, Transaction B, Vol. 25:600-708, 2001).

Although there are some differences in fitting the data and in

summarizing the PSD to its mean and standard deviation in the above

references, the problem needs some discussion,
particularly with respect

to Kachinsky system of classification. Strictly, there may exit no

conversion between Kachinsky system of classification and the USDA

system because of the missing upper limit in the sand separate in

Kachinsky system of classification. By using the fractal calculation to

extrapolate the sand separate and one of the ten models for the silt and

clay separates, the author mixes two distinct models to achieve the

It is not clear to this reviewer that the new PSD is a real

sample representing a specific
China soil sample. Please explain.

I have a basic question relative to fitting data to a model then using

the model in, say, hydraulic properties of a soil. Why not use the

observed data directly? Can you better develop the need for this

process? Are there examples to use.


This reviewer had difficulty understanding the meaning of "%Unchanged"

in Table 3. The author previously stated that the heading implies

"stability" (line 272). Please explain.

The descriptions "Number of cases for PSD…" on Tables 3 to 5 are not

clear. Please make a statement that better explains the connection

between the numbers in the tables and the goodness of fit, or generality

of the model relative to data sets. Also show the connection between

figures and tables.

Why is there different number of models listed in the Tables and in the

figures? Some are ten and others are eight. What do you want to show by

Tables 4(b, &c) and 5 (a & b).

I am not certain if the question on lines 105-107 can be answered


Please change "attributions" on line 49 to "properties".

Please explain the sentence at the start of line 123.

Please change "For" on line 126 to "because".

Please remove line 171 and begin the sentence with line 172.

Reviewer #2: The author obviously did not read or forget to cite the

paper by Rouseva who has studied carefully the conversion between the

Katchinski, ISSS and USDA system.

Rousseva, S.S., 1997. Data transformations between soil texture schemes.

European Journal of Soil Science 48, 749-758.

If the authors have read the paper, then they should not have repeat the

same idea again just using a different database and different empirical

models. This paper offers nothing new and such empirical comparisons

using various models do not offer much insight into the development of

the particle-size ditribution theory


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