2009年的诺贝尔奖将给原子、分子和光学领域(Atomic, molecule and optical physics), 或者是给量子力学的一般性研究。量子光学正是05年的颁奖领域。
由此,一方面位于美国科罗拉多(Colorado)大学的它和美国标准与技术研究所的联合天体物理实验室(JILA)的Deborah S. Jin有很大可能。她将因实现简并费米气及BCS-BEC渡越(crossover)获奖。虽然这也可算是广泛意义上的凝聚态,有关理论也是首先在凝聚态中发展的,但毕竟是有关原子气,所以按传统划分,还是算AMO领域,实验技术也主要是用这个领域的。她有一半华人血统,有一个叔叔在上海。
另外,今年是Aharonov-Bohm效应发现50年,Berry Phase发现25年。这两个密切联系的关于量子力学的基本发现有可能会获奖。Bohm已经去世。所以有可能以色列特拉维夫大学和美国北卡大学的Yakir Aharonov和英国布里斯托大学的Michael Berry爵士将联合得奖。
2009 Nobel prize in physics will not be awarded to the following fields: particle physics, traditional subjects of condensed matter physics, and astrophysics.
I would like to predict Deborah S. Jin of JILA of NIST and University of Colorado will possibly receive 2009 Nobel prize in physics, for realization of degenerate Fermi gas of atoms and subsequent work on BCS-BEC crossover. Though this subject may also be regarded as condensed matter physics in a general sense, it is about atomic gas and based on techniques of AMO physics. So this work can be regarded as that in AMO.
Besides, this year marks 50 years anniversary of Aharonov-Bohm phase and 25 years anniversary of Berry phase, which are important fundamental discoveries in quantum mechanics. Therefore, Yakir Aharonov of Tel-Aviv University in Israel and North Carolina University in USA and Sir Michael Berry of Britol University in UK may also receive 2009 Nobel prize in physics.
It is also possible that Aharonov, Berry share the prize with Jin, though the discoveries are not in a same field. There were such precedents.