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已有 4216 次阅读 2019-6-5 16:12 |系统分类:科普集锦


                原汁原味的Sci & Tech News weekly

Volume 5  19年6月5日

Editor: Dr. Collin F. Hu







在Physics领域,我将给大家介绍一下物理学上非常著名且重要的Maxwell demon。科学必须被实验所检验,这是基本的科学精神。但有时候,一下子找不到实验的方法,或者实验的设备达不到要求,于是就有了思想实验,只在脑袋里面存在的实验。爱因斯坦就是此中高手,他构思相对论的时候,经常想到的就是两个布满时钟的火车,相对运动的速度接近光速。

今天给大家介绍的Maxwell demon的创造者就是那个写下了著名的Maxwell方程组,从而开启了人类电气时代的人。这个小妖怪的创造是为了说明热力学第二定律的一个局限性,它的统计性。利用这个小妖怪,可以让一盒子已经温度均一的气体,一边冷,一边热,从而可以做功,比如推动火车前进。





GM fungus rapidly kills 99% of malaria mosquitoes, study suggests

By James Gallagher 31 May 2019


[Summary] A fungus - genetically enhanced to produce spider toxin - can rapidly kill huge numbers of the mosquitoes that spread malaria, a study suggests.


“a study suggests” 一项研究表明。


[How it matters?] Trials, which took place in Burkina Faso, showed mosquito populations collapsed by 99% within 45 days. The researchers say their aim is not to make the insects extinct but to help stop the spread of malaria. The disease, which is spread when female mosquitoes drink blood, kills more than 400,000 people per year. Worldwide, there are about 219 million cases of malaria each year.

“Trials” 实验;

“The researchers say their aim is not to make the insects extinct but to help stop the spread of malaria.”不明白为什么作者不敢直接说他们的目的就是”wipe out the mosquitoes”,也许反对的声音太大吧。


[How to do it?] They turned to a toxin found in the venom of a species of funnel-web spider in Australia. The genetic instructions for making the toxin were added to the fungus's own genetic code so it would start making the toxin once it was inside a mosquito. The next step was to test the fungus in as close to real-world conditions as possible. A 6,500-sq-ft fake village - complete with plants, huts, water sources and food for the mosquitoes - was set up in Burkina Faso. It was surrounded by a double layer of mosquito netting to prevent anything escaping. The fungal spores were mixed with sesame oil and wiped on to black cotton sheets. The mosquitoes had to land on the sheets to be exposed to the deadly fungus. The researchers started the experiments with 1,500 mosquitoes.


added to the fungus's own genetic code”,基因改造的过程;

“6,500-sq-ft” 6500 Square Foot (ft²) = 603.86976 Square Meter (m²)

real-world conditions”真实世界的条件;



[The results] The results, published in the journal Science, showed numbers soared when the insects were left alone. But when the spider-toxin fungus was used, there were just 13 mosquitoes left after 45 days. Tests also showed the fungus was specific to these mosquitoes and did not affect other insects such as bees. … New tools are needed to tackle malaria as mosquitoes are becoming resistant to insecticides. The World Health Organization has warned that cases are now increasing in the 10 worst affected countries in Africa.


specific to: 特别针对;

resistant to insecticides”对杀虫剂的抗药性;这是蚊子在进化过程中发展出来的特征。

World Health Organization:世界卫生组织;


[Comments] Commenting on the findings, Prof Michael Bonsall, from the University of Oxford, said: "Neat - this is a super-exciting study." "Proportionate bio-safety regulations are needed to ensure that the viability of this and other approaches for vector [mosquito] control using genetic methods are not lost through overly zealous restrictions." Dr Tony Nolan, from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, added: "These results are encouraging. "We need new and complementary tools to augment existing control methods, which are being affected by the development of insecticide-resistance."




1.   A fungus - genetically enhanced to produce spider toxin - can rapidly kill huge numbers of the mosquitoes that spread malaria, a study suggests.

2.   The researchers say their aim is not to make the insects extinct but to help stop the spread of malaria.

3.   The next step was to test the fungus in as close to real-world conditions as possible.

4.   The mosquitoes had to land on the sheets to be exposed to the deadly fungus.

5.   Tests also showed the fungus was specific to these mosquitoes and did not affect other insects such as bees.

6.   New tools are needed to tackle malaria as mosquitoes are becoming resistant to insecticides.

7.   Neat - this is a super-exciting study.







Maxwell’s demon

From Wiki 3 June 2019


Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 in which he suggested how the second law of thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated. In the thought experiment, a demon controls a small door between two chambers of gas. As individual gas molecules approach the door, the demon quickly opens and shuts the door so that only fast molecules are passed into one of the chambers, while only slow molecules are passed into the other. Because faster molecules are hotter, the demon's behaviour causes one chamber to warm up and the other to cool down, thereby decreasing entropy and violating the second law of thermodynamics. This thought experiment has provoked debate and theoretical work on the relation between thermodynamics and information theory extending to the present day, with a number of scientists arguing that theoretical considerations rule out any practical device violating the second law in this way.



1, Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 in which he suggested how the second law of thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated.

2, This thought experiment has provoked debate and theoretical work on the relation between thermodynamics and information theory extending to the present day, with a number of scientists arguing that theoretical considerations rule out any practical device violating the second law in this way.

James Clerk Maxwell:麦克斯韦,可以说是仅次于牛顿和爱因斯坦的伟大理论物理学家。比钻石还珍贵的麦克斯韦方程组直接把人类从机器时代带到了电气时代。




上一篇:无人驾驶汽车 &孟母三迁的现代诠释
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