2011年1月11日投稿 6个月的时候催了一次 2012年1月11日一周年催了一次 2012年1月18日一审意见 Although the reviewers recommend "Minor Revision", their suggestions are sufficiently strict and correspond more to "Revise Major". 主审稿人说:I generally evaluate it as above the average I tend to see on the majority of related texts who pass the peer-review process everywhere - so I strongly recommend it for publication. 其他审稿人都给的肯定意见,小修,没提大问题。不过,主编还是给了大修。 2012年2月28日返回修改稿R1 2012年4月3日二审意见
Accepted with minor revison. The paper is near to be accepted. Please, improve the language quality. The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure that the manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript. 2012年4月7日返回修改稿R2 2012年4月16日三审意见 Accepted with minor revison. The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure that the manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript. It is important that your study carefully refers to the most recent and highly relevant research results reported in the literature. Consider expanding the list of references by adding more recent journal papers (published after 2010) including those published in INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2012年4月19日返回修改稿R3
Accepted with minor revison.
Editor in Chief The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure that the manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript.