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已有 2470 次阅读 2017-10-12 08:52 |个人分类:社会保障研究(07-11)|系统分类:观点评述


黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2007年10月11日发布



一般说来,新生婴儿的胎记人人皆有,只是部位不同,有的在屁股上,也有在脸上的,有的几年后就慢满地消失,有的则若干年后还有印记,不管怎么说,谁也不会在意要有个证明是否有胎记并在那里的问题,所以对于新生婴儿的胎记往往医院或者家长并不留意要开具专门的证明。现在好了,最近位于190 Harries Road, Bedford Hills, NY 10507的BedfordDiscovery School(Website: BedfordDiscoverySchool.com)向全体婴儿家长发了一封正式的信件,要求为婴儿的胎记开具出生地医院的证明,证明必须包括婴儿胎记所在部位的图形。并说这样做是为了保护家长,保护教师,保护你们的孩子



Dear Parent,

As We are sure ofyour awareness that Mongolian spots are not an uncommon appearance on children.Our teachers have noticed them on your child. To the uneducated eye, it is veryeasy to mistake Mongolian spots for bruises. It is important to avoid anymisinterpretation that these spots may be an indication of child abuse.

When present on achild, we are required to have a physician provide us with documentationconfirming that these are indeed Mongolian spots. The documentation mustinclude a mapping of the location of all spots on your childs body.

We thank you forunderstanding that our purpose is to protect you, our teachers, and most of allyour child, from any misinterpretation that could otherwise arise from yourchilds Mongolian spots.

Bedford Discovery School

Office ofAdministration

附Bedford Discovery School网址页面简介:

At Bedford Discovery School,we help children blaze their individual paths along a discovery trail ofdevelopment. Every day is filled with the possibility of new and excitingexperiences and challenges as children embark on daily adventures in play andlearning.

Facilitiesinclude a new 8,800 square foot building specially designed to meet the needsof young children. Colorful, spacious classrooms create an inviting atmosphereand promote a safe, nurturing environment in which growing children can thriveand come alive with ideas. The large 10,000 square foot playground, designed toaccommodate the developmental capabilities of each age group, has state of theart equipment, safety fall zones and grassy fields for children to enjoy.

Flexiblescheduling at Bedford Discovery Schoolallows for full and half-day programs for toddlers, pre-school children,kindergarteners, as well as full days for infants. Before and after schoolprograms are also offered for school age children. Recognizing the varyingneeds of families in the community, our school operates year-round on acorporate calendar and is open Monday through Friday from 6:30a.m. to 6:30p.m.

Familyparticipation is essential in providing the best overall educational experiencefor children. We are committed to maintaining open communication andconfidentiality in order to build the trust that supports the visions and needsof our community. We encourage family involvement, including drop-in visits, inorder to create a seamless bond between home and school. Partnerships betweenparents and staff members build a strong foundation on which children can grow.

Programs havebeen carefully designed to follow the trail of childrens needs andimaginations in a highly creative environment of learning through discovery. Itis our belief that children in the early years learn best through play. Ourprogram integrates multi-cultural awareness into every day activities. Science,art, music, story time, math manipulatives, computers, large motor activities,creative dramatics, puzzles, meal/snack time, and rest time are all part ofyour child憇 day. Enrichmentprograms organized by visiting nature and marine experts, musicians, magicians,storytellers and field trips are provided to broaden children憇 horizons.

After school isan important time for children to unwind and relax following a busy school day.Computers and games are available, as are opportunities for arts and crafts,nature study, outdoor fun and other creative outlets. After school hours arestructured yet flexible for older children to socialize and enjoy quietactivities such as reading a favorite doing homework.

Security at Bedford Discovery Schoolensures that every parent child is safe. We take our responsibility seriouslyby providing a state of the art security system and requiring that only thosepeople cleared to visit with or pick children up from school are allowed to doso.




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