缺血再灌注损伤过程中活性氧产生的代谢基础 精选
2014-11-6 14:55




三羧酸循环是需氧生物体内普遍存在的代谢途径,分布在线粒体。因这个循环中几个主要中间代谢物是柠檬酸,含三个羧基,所以叫做三羧酸循环,又称为柠檬酸循环或是TCA循环,或以发现者Hans Adolf Krebs的姓名命名为Krebs循环。三羧酸循环是三大营养素(糖、脂、蛋白质)的最终代谢通路,也是糖类、脂类、氨基酸代谢联系的枢纽。理论上,如果组织缺血,三羧酸循环缺乏最终代谢出口,所有过程都有可能被中断,所有代谢产物都有可能发生积聚,实际情况可能只有某一个或少数几个化合物积聚。但是过去并不了解具体那种物质发生积聚,也不清楚这种积聚的化合物具有何种效应。琥珀酸(丁二酸)是三羧酸循环中的一种代谢中间产物。最新研究发现,在组织缺血过程中琥珀酸选择性积聚,而且这种积聚是导致再灌注期间线粒体大量释放活性氧的重要原因。

a, Various rat and mouse tissues exposed to sufficient periods of ischaemia to prime for reperfusion ROS production were subjected to targeted LC–MS metabolomics analysis and comparison of metabolites that accumulated significantly when compared to normoxic levels. After this, metabolites were scored according to the prevalence of their accumulation across five ischaemic tissue conditions. B, brain; H, whole heart ischaemia ex vivo; HL, left anterior descending coronary artery ischaemia in vivo; K, kidney, L, liver. b, Determination of linearity of the relationship between LC–MS metabolite peak intensity and concentration for CAC and related metabolites. c, Quality control determination of coefficient of variation for LC–MS quantification of CAC and related metabolites.


Time course of succinate levels during myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion for the in vivo heart (5 min and 15 min ischaemia n = 4; 30 min ischaemia n = 9; 5 min reperfused n = 5). b, Summary of the three potential metabolic inputs for succinate-directed ischaemic flux. To understand the metabolic pathways that could contribute to succinate production under ischaemia, an updated version of the iAS253 model of cardiac metabolism11 was used to simulate ischaemia using flux balance analysis. The model showed three possible mechanisms for producing succinate: from α-ketoglutarate produced by the CAC, derived from glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation, and glutaminolysis (grey box), from succinic semialdehyde produced from the GABA shunt (blue box), and from fumarate produced from the malate-aspartate shuttle and purine nucleotide cycle (red box) via the reversal of SDH. Data are mean ± s.e.m. of at least four biological replicates.


To identify the metabolic pathways that could contribute to succinate production under ischaemia, we simulated these conditions using flux balance analysis in conjunction with an expanded version of the iAS253 mitochondrial model of central cardiac metabolism. The major pathways contributing to succinate accumulation (bold red lines) were via fumarate feeding into the reverse activity of SDH. This was produced by the PNC and the MAS, which consumed glucose and aspartate, and also led to significant production of lactate and alanine. Lesser sources of succinate (thin red lines) included glycolysis and glutaminolysis but this was relatively minor as this route was constrained by the overproduction of NADH. In addition, a small amount of fumarate was generated by pyruvate carboxylase activity. The GABA shunt did not contribute (black dashed line).






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