猪和小猪,非洲(摄影:Amanda Kopp) 这只小猪刚出世就崴了腿。猪妈妈的孩子太多,喂不过来。农场主议来议去,终于想出一个解救的好办法——让Swazi(一个居住在非洲东南部斯威士兰及周边的种族)孤儿们来照顾它,拿奶瓶喂养!如今它长得又肥又壮。 The piglet is one day old and crippled. The mother had more babies thannipples to feed them. The farmer talked about putting this one out of its misery but decided to let some Swazi orphan children take care ofit and feed it with a bottle instead. Now the little pig has grown bigand strong!