【Photo of the day(每日一图)是美国国家地理网奉献给全球读者的免费精美贴图,版权归所有。中文说明文字系个人翻译,纯属个人爱好。翻译不妥当或者错误之处肯定难免。贴在此地,权当温习英语吧。】
蝴蝶舌,快乐谷,马里兰州,1968年(摄影:Paul A. Zahl)
A bewhiskered face, here magnified 15 times, belies the beauty of a nymphalid butterfly. Hornlike antennae serve as taste, touch, hearing, and smell sensors. Blotchy eyes with hundreds of minute lenses guide the butterfly to nectar-bearing flowers whose colors give off ultraviolet rays visible to the insect but not to humans. To reach nectar buried deeply in blossoms, it uncoils its long, hollow tongue, now tucked between its eyes.
(Photo shot on assignment for "Nature's Year in Pleasant Valley," April 1968, National Geographic magazine)
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