Dear XXX
It is our great pleasure to inform you again about the 10th edition of the International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting- ITISE 2024 , which will take place in Gran Canaria (Spain) in 15th-17th July, 2024 (
We want to thank your interest in ITISE, and it will be a great honour if you could be Program Committee member of ITISE 2024. We would appreciate it if you would forward the information of the conference to potentially interested researchers.
Although in a first round, the deadline for submission of contributions (abstract or full paper) is the 5th of February, we will extend and carry out a second round, whose deadline will be at the end of February.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional questions or information.
Bests regards,
Ignacio Rojas
第 10 届时间序列与预测国际会议(ITISE 2024)将于 2024 年 7 月 15-17 日在西班牙大加那利岛举行(。
第一轮投稿(摘要或论文全文)的截止日期是 2 月 5 日,但已延长为 2 月底。