竹杖芒鞋轻胜马分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liqx 气候变化观测、物理学及其不确定性



已有 4290 次阅读 2020-6-12 08:43 |系统分类:科研笔记

Frontiers(瑞士)去年在AGU秋季年会上和我联系,让我和美国、加拿大两位同行共同作为Guest Editor负责了一个研究主题: “Advances in Global warming observations and their uncertainties”,由三个期刊联合举办。分别是Frontiers in Enviornment Science, Frontiers in Earth Science 和Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,后两个的影响因子分别是2.89, 2.64, 前一个刊物今年6月或7月份才会有影响因子,但预计不低于这两个。



About this Research Topic

With the development and continuous improvements to the Global Surface Temperature Dataset (merged with global land surface air temperatures and sea surface temperatures), the consistency of estimations of global/regional surface temperature series and warming trends (including recent short-term climate change trends) has been strengthened since 1880. However, based on the 5th IPCC Assessment Report, it is believed that there are considerable uncertainties in many Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) at multiple timescales, which have been used to monitor climate change and global warming of the Earth. Therefore there is still a long way to go in the study of global climate change in both observations and uncertainty estimates. 

This Research Topic aims to gather studies from meteorologists, climatologists, hydrologists, and oceanographers and will focus on observational studies of high-quality global (land, ocean, and upper atmosphere) and regional data products, with attention to climate change facts, impacts, and causes in daily to long-term scales. This is especially with regard to ECVs (Including their extreme climate events) related to global/regional warming and in light of the carbon and water cycles and radiation balance. We will focus on the evaluation of the uncertainty level of various variables at different spatial and temporal scales. In addition, the Topic also intends to encourage and promote the exchange and application of innovative methods in global/regional climate change research.

We welcome studies related to all topics stated above, and in particular, aspects such as the below:

• Quality control, homogenization, and validation of high quality climatic data sets
• Gridding, merging, and other temporal and spatial analysis of the comprehensive observations
• Climate change observation in different temporal scales and the uncertainty evaluation in land, ocean, and upper air data
• Inter-comparisons between in situ observation, remote sensing, reanalysis, and model outputs
• Observed historic global climate (including extreme climate events) change facts, impacts, causes, and drivers
• Development of algorithms, methods, or statistical models in global warming detection, fitting, and separation of the climate change components.

Keywords: global warming, data set, uncertainty, method, climate change



Huang Boyin 博士,美国NOAA环境信息中心,ERSST的主要研发人,主要负责海洋气候变化部分

Wang L Xiaolan博士,加拿大环境与气候变化部高级研究员,RHTest等的主要开发者,主要负责方法学部分




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3 杨正瓴 张学文 檀成龙

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