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Lancet 为Ebola 向中国求援

已有 4002 次阅读 2014-10-27 11:16 |个人分类:生命科学|系统分类:科研笔记| 埃博拉

Lancet Ebola 向中国求援


  下面转发一封Lancet 发来的邮件(居然把俺外星人也列入了求援的“黑名单”),有兴趣陪他们玩的请与我联络,或者自告奋勇自行前往(网)……


The Lancet Ebola Resource Centre - complimentary access to all content
  • 发件人:The Lancet<elsevier@sci.scientific-direct.net>

( a818b044.1225681.d19855765c6c9281.2.n.3@sci.scientific-direct.net 代发 )

  • 收件人:

D Z Yin<dazhongyin002@126.com>

  •   间:

20141025 03:11 (星期六)

The Lancet Ebola Resource Centre

The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa constitutes the largest and most complex to date. Declared a public health emergency of international concern by WHO, the outbreak of a disease with no known treatment or vaccination is proving difficult to contain given the already fragile and under-resourced health systems in the affected areas.

In an effort to support the vital work being done, all related content from The Lancet family of journals is now freely accessible on our online Ebola Resource Centre.

If you are working in an area affected by Ebola or have expertise in this field of medicine, we encourage you to share your front-line experiences by posting comments on the Resource Centre homepage. You can also follow or join the discussion on Twitter using #EbolaOutbreak.

Visit the Ebola Resource Centre to access regularly updated, full-text content including:


Assessment of the potential for international dissemination of Ebola virus via commercial air travel during the 2014 west African outbreak
The Lancet Published Online First


Ebola: worldwide dissemination risk and response priorities
The Lancet Published Online First

Controlling Ebola: next steps
The Lancet Vol. 384, Issue 9952, p1409-11

The Institut Pasteur network: a crucial partner against Ebola
The Lancet Vol. 384, Issue 9950, p1239-40


Ebola: what lessons for the International Health Regulations?
The Lancet Published Online First

Ebola: the missing link
The Lancet Global Health Published Online First


Ebola control: effect of asymptomatic infection and acquired immunity
The Lancet Published Online First

Randomised controlled trials for Ebola: practical and ethical issues
The Lancet Vol. 384, Issue 9952, p1423-24

Blog Post

Realpolitik and global pandemics
The Lancet Global Health Blog

Access all Ebola content from The Lancet journals for free at http://ebola.thelancet.com. Bookmark the page to easily visit for regular updates.



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