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Organic Chemistry OnLine

已有 4635 次阅读 2009-4-15 19:28 |个人分类:科研研究|系统分类:科研笔记| organic, online

Organic Chemistry OnLine :http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/OCOL-II/WIN/HOME.HTM

This tutorial presently consists of five modules:

The Library
structural and NMR data for fifty representative organic compounds,
Structure & Bonding
reviews and exercises covering the basic structural aspects of organic chemistry,
tutorials in IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy, with interactive problems and a "Quiz",
tutorials on all common aspects of stereochemistry, at the undergraduate level, and,
Functional Group Reactions
reactions, mechanisms and Quizzes to cover those functional groups covered in undergraduate courses.


Absolute Configuration : Review
Absolute Configuration, Assigning
Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis: Review
Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis, Problems
Acids & Bases: Review
Acyl Derivatives : Review
Acyl Derivatives, Nomenclature : Review
Acyl Derivatives, Reactions of: Review
Acyl Derivatives, Reactions of
Acyl Derivatives, Reactions Yielding
Acyl Derivatives, Multi-Step Synthesis
Alcohols, Thiols and Ethers: Review
Alcohols & Thiols, Nomenclature: Review
Alcohols, Reactions Yielding : Review
Alcohols, Reactions: Review
Alcohol & Thiols, Nomenclature
Alcohols, from Reduction of Carbonyls
Alcohols, from the Grignard Reaction
Alcohols, Reactions
Alcohols, Synthesis - I
Alcohols, Synthesis - II
Aldehydes and Ketones: Review
Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature : Review
Aldehydes and Ketones, Reactions of: Review
Aldehydes and Ketones, Reactions Yielding: Review
Aldehydes and Ketones, Conjugate Addition Reactions: Review
Aldehydes & Ketones, Nomenclature
Aldehydes & Ketones, Reactions I
Aldehydes & Ketones, Reactions II
Aldehydes & Ketones, Synthesis I
Aldehydes & Ketones, Multi-Step Synthesis
Aldol Condensation : Review
Aldol Condensation Reactions
Alkanes: Review
Alkanes & Cycloalkanes, Conformational Analysis: Review
Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: Structure, Bonding & Nomenclature: Review
Alkanes, Nomenclature: Review
Alkane/Cycloalkane, Nomenclature
Alkanes & Cycloalkanes, Nomenclature II
Alkenes & Alkynes: Review
Alkenes, Degrees of Unsaturation: Review
Alkenes, Nomenclature: Review
Alkenes, Addition Reactions & Markovnikov Regiochemistry: Review
Alkenes, Nomenclature
Alkenes, Addition & Oxidation Reactions: Review
Alkenes, Addition of HX
Alkenes, Reactions, I
Alkenes, Reactions, II
Alkenes, Reactions, III
Alkenes, Reactions, IV
Alkenes, Regiochemistry
Alkenes, Synthesis
Alkyl Halides, Elimination Reactions : Review
Alkyl Halides, Nomenclature : Review
Alkyl Halides, Substitution & Elimination Reactions: Review
Alkyl Halides, Substitution Reactions: Review
Alkyl Halides, Elimination Reactions
Alkyl Halides, Nomenclature
Alkyl Halides, Reactions
Alkyl Halides, Substitution Reactions
Alkynes & Alkenes: Review
Alkynes, Reactions : Review
Alkynes, Reactions
Amines, Aliphatic : Review
Amines, Aliphatic, Reactions of: Review
Amines, Aliphatic, Reactions Yielding: Review
Amines, Aliphatic, Nomenclature : Review
Amine, Aliphatic, Nomenclature
Amines, Multi-Step Synthesis
Amines, Aliphatic, Reactions
Arenes: Review
Arenes, Nomenclature: Review
Arenes, Multi-Step Synthesis
Arenes, Nomenclature - I
Arenes, Nomenclature - II
Arenes, Reactions
Aromatic Substitution, Electrophilic
Aromaticity, The 4n+2 Rule: Review
Aryl Amines and Phenols : Review
Aryl Side-Chains, Reactions of: Review
Arylamines & Diazonium Salts, Reactions of: Review
Arylamines, Reactions of
Bonding in Organic Molecules: Review
Bonding, Ionic, Covalent & Polar: Review
Carbocation Rearrangements
Carbon & Proton NMR : Review
Carbon-13 NMR, Problem Set
Carbonyl a- Substitution : Review
Carbonyl a-Substitution Reactions - I
Carbonyl a-Substitution Reactions - II
Carbonyl a-Substitution, Synthesis
Carbonyl Condensation Reactions : Review
Carbonyl, a-b-Unsaturated, Addition Reactions
Carbonyl Conjugate Addition Reactions
Carbonyl Condensations: Reaction Sequences
Carbonyl, Substitution Reactions : Review
Carboxylic Acids : Review
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, Nomenclature : Review
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives : Review
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, Reactions of: Review
Carboxylic Acids, Nomenclature: Review
Carboxylic Acids, Reactions Yielding : Review
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, Multi-Step Synthesisw
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, Reactions of
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, Reactions Yielding
Carboxylic Acids, Reactions of
Carboxylic Acids, Reactions of: Review
Carboxylic Acids, Reactions Yielding
Carboxylic Acids, Synthesis
Chirality & Stereogenic Centers : Review
Chiral Centers, Identifying
Chiral Centers, Reactions Generating
Claisen Condensation : Review
Claisen Condensation Reactions
Conjugate Addition Reactions: Review
Conjugate Addition Reactions
Conjugated Dienes : Review
Cycloaddition Reactions : Review
Cycloaddition Reactions
Cycloaddition Reactions: Synthesis I
Cycloaddition Reactions: Synthesis II
Cycloaddition Reactions: Synthesis III
Cycloalkanes & Alkanes, Conformational Analysis: Review
Cycloalkanes and Alkanes: Structure, Bonding & Nomenclature: Review
Cycloalkanes, Nomenclature: Review
Cyclohexane, Boat-Chair Interconversions
Degrees of Unsaturation
Diazonium Salts, Reactions of: Review
Diels-Alder Reaction: Review
Diels-Alder Reactions
Diels-Alder Reactions: Synthesis I
Diels-Alder Reactions: Synthesis II
Diels-Alder Reactions: Synthesis III
Dienes, Ionic Addition Reactions : Review
Dienes, Nomenclature: Review
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: Review
Ethers and Alcohols: Review
Ethers, Reactions
Ethers, Synthesis
Ethers, Synthesis & Reactions: Review
Fischer Projections/Exchange Method: Review
Fisher Projections, Conversion to
Grignard Reaction : Review
Hybridization: Review
Infrared Spectroscopy: Review
Infrared Spectroscopy, Problem Set
Integrated Spectroscopy Problems
Isomerism in Carbon Compounds: Review
Isomers, Identifying
Ketones and Aldehydes , Reactions of: Review
Ketones and Aldehydes, Conjugate Addition Reactions: Review
Ketones and Aldehydes, Reactions Yielding: Review
Ketones and Aldehydes: Review
Ketones and Aldehydes: Nomenclature : Review
Line Drawings, Conversion from
Line Drawings, Conversion to
Malonic Ester Synthesis : Review
Malonic Ester Synthesis
Markovnikov Regiochemistry: Review
Mass Spectroscopy: Review
Mass Spectroscopy, Problem Set
NMR Spectronscopy: Review
Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution : Review
Optical Activity : Review
Optical Activity
Orbitals, Atomic & Molecular: Review
Phenols, Reactions of: Review
Polyenes, Ionic Addition Reactions : Review
Polyenes, Nomenclature: Review
Proton & Carbon NMR : Review
Proton NMR, Problem Set
Quiz, Alkanes & Cycloalkanes
Quiz, Alkenes & Alkynes
Quiz, Alkyl Halides & Stereochemistry
Quiz, Spectroscopy
R/S Configuration : Review
R/S Configuration, Assigning
Resonance: Review
Resonance Forms, Drawing
Stereogenic Centers : Review
Stereoisomers: Review
Stereocenters, Identifying
Stereocenters, Reactions Generating
Stereoisomers, Identifying
Structural Elements, Identifying
Symmetry, Recognizing
Tetrahedral Intermediates, Partitioning of: Review
Tetrahedral Intermediates, Partitioning of
Unshared Pairs of Electrons
Valence & Hybridization: Review


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下一篇:Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide
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