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已有 22216 次阅读 2011-5-24 01:21 |系统分类:论文交流| 瓶颈, 遗传算法, 写书

Dear Dr. Wang, As a specialist in your field of research, we are pleased to invite you to contribute to our forthcoming Open Access book, "Genetic Algorithm", ISBN 979-953-307-599-9. The book will be published by InTech, Open Access publisher of books and journals in the fields of science, technology and medicine. InTech is a pioneer in the publication of Open Access books, with a collection currently comprising over 400 books written by more than 25,000 renowned authors. The complete collection is available for free full-text download on our reading platform, www.intechopen.com. This will be a reviewed book that will cover the latest research in the field, and will serve as a free, open access resource for scientists and researchers around the world. The book will be edited by an experienced scientist in the field and written by a team of international experts. When you publish with InTech, you make your paper freely available online Additionally, you: - Increase your visibility, impact and citation rates; - Keep the copyright to your work; - Receive a hard copy of the complete book; - Help speed up research; - Make your work freely available to everyone, benefiting the whole of society. You have been invited to contribute based on your paper "Influence of bottleneck utilization on job shop scheduling under random disturbance", your publishing history and the quality of your research However, we are not asking you to republish your work, but we would like you to publish a new paper on one of the topics this book will cover. I am the Publishing Process Manager for this book, and my role is to assist you throughout the publishing process. You are welcome to contact me at any time. I will do my best to answer your questions and ensure that publishing with InTech is a fast, smooth and pleasant process. NEXT STEP: For further details about this book please visit http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/9025a709550b508f98bdb47a9a856d89/**** On this page you can find a detailed description of the book, its scope and topics, details of the publishing process and a registration form. For further details about InTech and Open Access please visit: - About InTech: http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/9025a709550b508f98bdb47a9a856d89/*** - About Open Access: http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/9025a709550b508f98bdb47a9a856d89/*** If you need more information about this book project, InTech or Open Access, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Ms. Marina Jozipovic Publishing Process Manager
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