Invited for big data talks in Harvard and Salt Lake City
2015-1-23 09:13
标签:style, color, border, display, Boston

Going to give an invited talk on social media mining at Modelfest 2015 on 26th at Harvard. Have not been inside the beautiful campuses of Harvard & MIT before, so this time will sure take some pictures, to have: been there seen that (including the famous Media Lab of MIT, recommended by Michael).


Novel analytical tools to interpret large and complex data sets are reshaping the foundations of several fields of science, and, simultaneously, many commercial enterprises. Shared statistical and computational concepts...


Before flying to Boston for Modelfest 2015, I will also give an invited talk the day after tomorrow (24th) at Salt Lake City, CAST-UT 2015 Annual Conference (Big Data Session).  In the evening, we have an opportunity to listen to the keynote speech by Dr. Mario Capecchi, Nobel Prize laureate.


Big data mining is changing our life.  This presentation focuses on using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to parse and mine a special type of big data, i.e. ever-growing social media (twitter, Facebook, Chinese Weibo and WeChat, etc), for public opinions of almost any topics.  It is domain independent and widely applicable.  Real life results will be illustrated in many use scenarios to show the power of big data, for example, business cases of tracking customer insights on brands, competitions, crisis management or PR campaigns; tracking public opinions for political policies and campaigns to help presidential election; tracking stock market media trends; helping consumers in making educated purchase decisions.  Domain specialization to refine a domain-independent mining engine for optimal performance and customized use cases can also be discussed if time permits and there is interest.





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