JIA | 2023–2024年「小麦栽培耕作」论文合集
2025-1-10 10:57

本期精选JIA 2023–2024年出版的小麦栽培耕作方向文章。所有文章在ScienceDirect平台开放获取,点击题目可查看全文,欢迎下载并转发分享。

Agronomic management practices in dryland wheat result in variations in precipitation use efciency due to their differential impacts on the steps in the precipitation use process

YANG Wen-jia, LI Yu-lin, LIU Wei-jian, WANG Shi-wen, YIN Li-na, DENG Xi-ping

2023, 22(1): 92-107

>>摘要 | 西北农林科技大学/中国科学院水利部 水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室旱地农研团队王仕稳课题组主要从事旱作农业水分养分高效利用与调控及作物水分养分高效利用生理机制研究

Late sowing enhances lodging resistance of wheat plants by improving the biosynthesis and accumulation of lignin and cellulose

DONG Xiu-chun, QIAN Tai-feng, CHU Jin-peng, ZHANG Xiu, LIU Yun-jing, DAI Xing-long, HE Ming-rong

2023, 22(5): 1351-1365

>>摘要 | 山东农业大学贺明荣教授课题组延播通过促进茎秆中木质素和纤维素的合成与积累增强小麦抗倒性能的研究

Effects of sowing date and ecological points on yield and the temperature and radiation resources of semi-winter wheat

ZHANG Zhen-zhen, CHENG Shuang, FAN Peng, ZHOU Nian-bing, XING Zhi-peng, HU Ya-jie, XU Fang-fu, GUO Bao-wei, WEI Hai-yan, ZHANG Hong-cheng

2023, 22(5): 1366-1380

>>摘要 | 张洪程院士团队 播期和生态点对半冬小麦产量和温辐射资源的影响

Raised bed planting promotes grain number per spike in wheat grown after rice by improving spike differentiation and enhancing photosynthetic capacity

DU Xiang-bei, XI Min, WEI Zhi, CHEN Xiao-fei, WU Wen-ge, KONG Ling-cong

2023, 22(6): 1631-1644

>>摘要 | 安徽省农科院稻麦绿色丰产增效科技创新团队稻茬小麦起畦种植通过提高光合源强和改善穗分化来提高穗粒数的研究

Tiller fertility is critical for improving grain yield, photosynthesis, and nitrogen efciency in wheat

DING Yong-gang, ZHANG Xin-bo, MA Quan, LI Fu-jian, TAO Rong-rong, ZHU Min, Li Chun-yan, ZHU Xin-kai, GUO Wen-shan, DING Jin-feng

2023, 22(7): 2054-2066

>>摘要 | 扬州大学小麦研究中心小麦籽粒产量与氮肥效率协同提升机理研究

Effect of delayed sowing on grain number, grain weight, and protein concentration of wheat grains at specifc positions within spikes

CHU Jin-peng, GUO Xin-hu, ZHENG Fei-na, ZHANG Xiu, DAI Xing-long, HE Ming-rong

2023, 22(8): 2359-2369

>>摘要 | 山东农业大学农学院小麦生理生态研究团队贺明荣教授课题组延迟播期对不同穗粒位的结实粒数、粒重及蛋白质含量的研究

Modelling the crop yield gap with a remote sensing-based process model: A case study of winter wheat in the North China Plain

YANG Xu, ZHANG Jia-hua, YANG Shan-shan, WANG Jing-wen, BAI Yun, ZHANG Sha

2023, 22(10): 2993-3005

>>摘要 | 中国科学院全球变化与农业遥感团队利用基于遥感的过程模型模拟作物产量差:以华北平原冬小麦研究为例

Combining controlled-release urea and normal urea with appropriate nitrogen application rate to reduce wheat stem lodging risk and increase grain yield and yield stability

ZHANG Guang-xin, ZHAO De-hao, FAN Heng-zhi, LIU Shi-ju, LIAO Yun-cheng, HAN Juan

2023, 22(10): 3006-3021

‍>>摘要 | 山西农业大学廖允成教授与西北农林科技大学韩娟教授作物生理与农田生态课题组高效氮肥与普通尿素混施对小麦茎秆抗倒伏和产量及其稳定性的研究

No-tillage with straw mulching boosts wheat grain yield by improving the eco-physiological characteristics in arid regions

YIN Wen, FAN Zhi-long, HU Fa-long, FAN Hong, HE Wei, SUN Ya-li, WANG Feng, ZHAO Cai, YU Ai-zhong, CHAI Qiang

2023, 22(11): 3416-3429

>>摘要 | 甘肃农业大学绿洲农作制研究团队免耕秸秆覆盖提高干旱灌区小麦产量的生理生态特性

Twice-split phosphorus application alleviates low-temperature impacts on wheat by improved spikelet development and setting

XU Hui, HOU Kuo-yang, FANG Hao, LIU Qian-qian, WU Qiu, LIN Fei-fei, DENG Rui, ZHANG Lin-jie, CHEN Xiang, LI Jin-cai

2023, 22(12): 3667-3680

>>摘要 | 安徽农业大学作物生理生态李金才教授团队磷肥后移通过改善小麦幼穗发育和结实减轻低温对小麦影响的研究

Effect of chemical regulators on the recovery of leaf physiology,dry matter accumulation and translocation, and yield-related characteristics in winter wheat following dry-hot wind

Yanan Xu, Yue Wu, Yan Han, Jiqing Song, Wenying Zhang, Wei Han, Binhui Liu, Wenbo Bai

2024, 23(1): 108-121

>>摘要 | 中国农科院环发所节水新材料团队白文波副研究员课题组化学制剂对干热风冬小麦叶片生理、干物质贮运和产量形成影响研究

Night warming increases wheat yield by improving pre-anthesis plant growth and post-anthesis grain starch biosynthesis

Yonghui Fan, Boya Qin, Jinhao Yang, Liangliang Ma, Guoji Cui, Wei He, Yu Tang, Wenjing Zhang, Shangyu Ma, Chuanxi Ma, Zhenglai Huang

2024, 23(2): 536-550

>>摘要 | 安徽农业大学小麦生理生态与精确管理黄正来教授团队发现夜间增温通过促进花前小麦生长及花后籽粒淀粉形成从而提高产量

The first factor affecting dryland winter wheat grain yield under various mulching measures: Spike number

Yingxia Dou, Hubing Zhao, Huimin Yang, Tao Wang, Guanfei Liu, Zhaohui Wang, Sukhdev Malhi

2024, 23(3): 836-848

>>摘要 | 西北农林科技大学旱地小麦覆盖保水绿色可持续生产研究赵护兵副教授课题组在覆盖措施下影响旱地冬小麦籽粒产量的首要因素的研究

Spectral purifcation improves monitoring accuracy of the comprehensive growth evaluation index for flm-mulched winter wheat

Zhikai Cheng, Xiaobo Gu, Yadan Du, Zhihui Zhou, Wenlong Li, Xiaobo Zheng, Wenjing Cai, Tian Chang

2024, 23(5): 1523-1540

>>摘要 | 西北农林科技大学谷晓博教授课题组基于光谱纯化提高覆膜小麦生长综合评价指数监测精度的研究

Heterogeneous population distribution enhances resistance to wheat lodging by optimizing the light environment

Yibo Hu, Feng Qin, Zhen Wu, Xiaoqin Wang, Xiaolong Ren, Zhikuan Jia, Zhenlin Wang, Xiaoguang Chen, Tie Cai

2024, 23(7): 2211-2226

>>摘要 | 西北农林科技大学贾志宽教授课题组群体异质性分布增强小麦抗倒伏性能的研究

Prediction of the potential distribution and analysis of the freezing injury risk of winter wheat on the Loess Plateau under climate change

Qing Liang, Xujing Yang, Yuheng Huang, Zhenwei Yang, Meichen Feng, Mingxing Qing, Chao Wang, Wude Yang, Zhigang Wang, Meijun Zhang, Lujie Xiao, Xiaoyan Song

2024, 23(9): 2941-2954

>>摘要 | 山西农业大学作物生态与信息技术团队冯美臣教授课题组气候变化下黄土高原冬小麦潜在分布预测与冻害风险分析

Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of changes in grain weight potential induced by water stress in wheat

Yanmei Gao, Maoya Jing, Meng Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Yuqing Liu, Zhimin Wang, Yinghua Zhang

2024, 23(11): 3706-3722

>>摘要 | 干旱胁迫促进小麦粒重潜力形成的转录和代谢分析

Effects of water and nitrogen rate on grain-flling characteristics under high-low seedbed cultivation in winter wheat

Junming Liu, Zhuanyun Si, Shuang Li, Lifeng Wu, Yingying Zhang, Xiaolei Wu, Hui Cao, Yang Gao, Aiwang Duan

2024, 23(12): 4018-4031

>>摘要 | 非充分灌溉原理与新技术研究高阳研究员课题组冬小麦高低畦栽培籽粒灌浆过程对水氮供应的响应研究

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》(英文), JIA) 由中华人民共和国农业农村部主管,中国农业科学院与中国农学会主办,中国农业科学院农业信息研究所承办。综合性英文学术期刊,月刊。创刊于2002年,现任主编为中国科学院院士陈化兰。JIA主要栏目有作物科学、园艺、植物保护、动物科学、动物医学、农业生态环境、食品科学、农业经济与管理等。刊稿类型有综述、研究论文、简报以及评述等。全部论文在Elsevier-ScienceDirect (SD) 平台OA出版。最新SCI影响因子4.6,位于SCI-JCR农业综合学科Q1区。中国科学院分区农林科学1区。2016年以来先后获得中国科协等部委 “提升计划”“登峰计划”“卓越计划”项目支持。





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