Did Eliezer Masliah Cheat?
Eliezer Masliah学术术欺诈?
Decades of Doubt in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Research
The Researcher Daily,Sep 27
Did you know, the scientific community is currently facing some serious turmoil with allegations against Eliezer Masliah, a well-known neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging. Masliah has been a big name in researching neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and his work has had a major impact. But now, we’re hearing troubling reports about potential misconduct in his research, specifically around claims of image manipulation in important studies.
你知道吗,因为美国国家老龄化研究所(National Institute on Aging)的著名神经科学家埃利泽-马斯利亚
(Eliezer Masliah)受到了学术不端的指控,科学界沸腾了。马斯利亚在阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏症等神经
退化疾病的研究领域是个响亮的名字,他的工作在科学界已经产生了重大影响。但现在有麻烦了,因为Eliezer Masliah的研究很可能是学术不端的结果,在一些重要研究中被指控图表造假。
Eliezer Masliah, MD Director, Division of Neuroscience, National Institute on Aging
Eliezer Masliah,医学博士, 国家老龄问题研究所神经科学部主任
Just last year, forensic analysts raised red flags about Masliah’s papers on PubPeer, leading to a thorough review by researchers, including folks from Columbia University. They found multiple instances of duplicated and altered images in various publications. This prompted Science¹ and the NIH to step in and investigate, and it’s all tied to ongoing clinical trials, including one for a drug called prasinezumab.
就在去年,分析师在 PubPeer 上对马斯利亚发表的论文提出了质疑,包括哥伦比亚大学在内的研究人员正在进行了彻底审查。他们在马斯利亚的文章中发现了大量重复使用和篡改图片。Science 期刊和美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)不得不介入调查,而这一切都与正在进行的临床试验有关,其中包括一种名为普拉嗪单抗(prasinezumab)的药物。
Prasinezumab² has been developed to help combat the spread of toxic alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's disease, and there’s been a lot of hope surrounding it. But with these allegations stacking up against Masliah, questions are surfacing about the foundational studies that back this drug. Some critical papers cited in its development are now under scrutiny for containing manipulated images. For example, a 2015 study suggested that Cerebrolysin could reduce tau damage, but the images presented look suspiciously similar to one another. That’s a huge concern for the reliability of the data.
例如,2015 年的一项研究表明,脑复康可以减少 tau 损伤,但所展示的图片互相十分相似。
This isn’t just about one researcher, though. The implications here are massive. If the research that supports neurodegenerative disease therapies like prasinezumab is flawed, we could be looking at a major setback in drug development. George Perry, who edits the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, put it well when he said that
(如 prasinezumab)的研究存在问题,那么药物开发可能存在重大问题。关于这个问题,《阿尔茨海默病杂志》的编辑
乔治-佩里(George Perry)说得很好。
Adding to the complexity, the NIH hasn't regularly reviewed researchers’ past work before hiring them, which raises serious questions about the vetting process. Critics argue that we need proactive screening to maintain research integrity, especially in fields where lives are on the line.
Reactions to these allegations have been mixed. Some people are cautious about blaming Masliah’s collaborators, many of whom might not have been aware of any wrongdoing. But others feel that those close to him should have noticed the patterns of manipulation over the years. This situation really highlights the challenges of accountability in scientific research, especially in collaborative environments.
“A considerable number of individuals are inclined to align with authority,
seemingly believing that this aligning somehow validates their own greatness. ”
16 Oct 2018
Harvard calls for retraction of dozens of studies by noted cardiologist, New York Times .
“some scientists wondered how a questionable line of research persisted for so long …
experts were just too timid to take a stand.”
As we wait for the preliminary results of the prasinezumab trials, this crisis really shines a light on how fragile public trust in science can be. Confidence in scientific integrity is already shaky, and this could further damage the field, prompting urgent calls for systemic changes in how research is done and validated. 对于普拉欣珠单抗试验的结果我们拭目以待。这次危机真正揭示了公众对科学的信任是多么脆弱。 人们对科学诚信的信心本已动摇,而这次事件可能会进一步损害学界的声誉, 促使人们采取紧急措施对现代学术体系(奖励机制、评价体系、项目支持、论文发表)进行系统性变革。 Ultimately, what we need right now is enhanced oversight, transparency, and a strict adherence to ethical standards in scientific research. We have to prioritize the integrity of individual researchers and the credibility of the scientific community as a whole. 归根结底,我们现在需要的是加强监督、提高透明度、严格遵守科学研究的道德规范。 我们必须优先考虑研究人员个人的诚信和整个科学界的信誉。 So, what can we do to create a culture of integrity moving forward? This is a critical moment for reflection and reform, and we all have a role to play. 那么,我们可以做些什么来创建一种向前迈进的廉正科技文化呢? 现在是反思和改革的关键时刻,我们每个人都应该参与进来。 1
The Researcher Daily is a reader-supported publication. A top government scientist engaged in research misconduct, NIH finds | AP News Did a top NIH official manipulate Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s studies for decades? | Science | AAAS Golden Era for Research Funding? A Q&A with NIA’s Eliezer Masliah | ALZFORUM Eliezer Masliah, MD | Parkinson's Disease (michaeljfox.org) 在科学上,多数人的错误(无论是学术上的还是学术道德上的),能不能纠正 实践反复证明:期刊同行评审很难发现文章中的低级错误,但是能高效阻止新思想的传播(给出最新实例) 大多数主流科学家的同行评审学术不端是比“图片误用”更恶劣的学术不端 很多时候研究热点就是大家都在为根本不存在的事情提供“存在”的实验证据 申请书天花乱坠,成果一地鸡毛, 科学研究不是深度挖掘根本不存在的关系学术精英和普通凡人的精神世界的差别 |