2024-4-10 19:44


Corrections of Common Errors in Current Theories of Microwave Absorption Caused by Confusing Film and Material - Article (Preprint v1) by Yue Liu et al. | Qeios

1 问题的提出:



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Vazire, S., 2020. A toast to the error detectors. Nature. 577, 9.


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2. 投稿退稿历史记录:

2024年02月29日 16:45 (星期四)

Your submission entitled "Clarifications of specific and common errors in current theories of microwave absorption" has been received by Applied Physics A 

 The submission id is: APYA-D-24-00492


2024年03月11日 18:04 (星期一)

Ref.:  Ms. No. APYA-D-24-00492

 Clarifications of specific and common errors in current theories of microwave absorption Applied Physics A Dear Dr. Liu,

Dear Dr. Liu,   The reviewers' comments/recommendation of member of the Board of Editors can be found at the end of this email or can be accessed by following the provided link. Your paper "Clarifications of specific and common errors in current theories of microwave absorption" unfortunately cannot be accepted for publication in Applied Physics A.  I am really very sorry that I cannot give you a better answer. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work. Yours sincerely xxx Member of the Board of Editors Applied Physics A Reviewer #1: The authors do not present any significant contribution to the existing knowledge: 1. The literature survey almost does not exist. 

2. Gaps in the literature are not well justified. 3. Formulation of the problem and results are simple without significant contribution to the literature. 4. Comprehensive experimental section could appear in the manuscript. 5. It is more a short report than full-lenght scientific paper. I recommend rejection of the paper


2024年03月12日 00:06 (星期二)

Dear Professor Liu, Your submission entitled "Corrections of common errors found in current theories of microwave absorption" has been received by Applied Physics A 

 The submission id is:APYA-D-24-00575

我们的Cover Letter全文 (对审稿意见的回复):

We submit our manuscript, titled " Corrections of common errors found in current theories of microwave absorption " for your consideration. The authors of this manuscript are Yue Liu, Ying Liu, and Michael G. B. Drew.

This is a resubmission of the manuscript “Clarifications of specific and common errors in current theory of microwave absorption” APYA-D-24-00492

 The main contents of the manuscript are mainly concerned with errors in the two recent papers [ 41, 42] published in your journal along with associated problems common in publications.

[41] S. Saikia, H. Saikia, N.S. Bhattacharyya, Revertible wideband hydrogel-based meta-structure absorber, Applied Physics A, 130 (2024) 189.

[42] P.P. Singh, A.K. Dash, G. Nath, Dielectric characterization analysis of natural fiber based hybrid composite for microwave absorption in X-band frequency, Applied Physics A, 130 (2024) 171.

 As shown by our rebuttals below, we do not believe the comments of the reviewer to recommend rejection of the paper can be justified.

 Related references [41 – 43, 47, 54] have been attached as Supplementary Materials for the convenience of reviewers.

Responses to the comments of the reviewer for the previous version

Reviewer #1: The authors do not present any significant contribution to the existing knowledge:


The problems identified negate the conclusions claimed in the papers [41, 42] which are associated with the common errors in the field. Thus, the issues are significant.

We have identified significant mistakes in the conclusions claimed in papers [41, 42]. We have also provided corrections for these mistakes. Because these errors are commonplace in the literature we believe that our solutions are timely and relevant to scientists interested in microwave research. 

 1.  The literature survey almost does not exist.


It is hard to see how we could have included more relevant references for this work.  Papers [41, 42] which include the mistakes with the problems have been clearly indicated in the manuscript.

The papers such as ref. [43, 47, 54] which include similar errors to those in [41,42] are clearly stated.

The references with correct theory from published papers such as in refs. [33, 38] have also clearly cited along with refs. [27, 29, 31, 32].

[33] Yue Liu, Michael G. B Drew,Ying Liu, A Theoretical Exploration of Impedance Matching Coefficients for Interfaces and Films, Applied Physics A, 2024, 130, 212, Please see Eq. 9 in this paper.

[38] Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew M.G.B, A re-evaluation of the mechanism of microwave absorption in film – Part 1: Energy conservationMater. Chem. Phys2022, 290,126576. Please see Eq. 13 in this paper.

2.  Gaps in the literature are not well justified.


The problems identified are justified.

It is difficult to respond to this criticism as the referee provides 

no clues as to what gaps in the literature he is referring to.

We have based our discussion in this paper on the problems in refs 41 and 42 which are representative of much work in the literature. Because these 

identified problems are critical to understanding microwave absorption, 

we think they are of sufficient importance to restrict our study to them.

The problems in ref. [41]

Equation (1) in [41] is repeated below:

                               A(w) = 1 R(w) − T(w)         1       .

For interface, R(w) is not given correctly by Eq. (3) in [41] and 

needs to be replaced by Eq. (3’) shown below.


However, T(w) for interface is not T(w) = |S21|2 = 0 as claimed in [41]. The correct formula should be:


Interface does not absorb microwaves at any value of w. This result can be checked by inserting the formulae of R(w) and T(w) into Eq. (1). Similar errors occur in ref. [54].

[54] Y. Prima Hardianto, R. Nur Iman, A. Hidayat, N. Mufti, N. Hidayat, S. Sunaryono, T. Amrillah, W. Ari Adi, A. Taufiq, A Facile Route Preparation of Fe3O4/MWCNT/ZnO/PANI Nanocomposite and its Characterization for Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties, ChemistrySelect, 9 (2024) e202304748. (see Eq. (5) in this paper )

For metal backed film,


Thus, ref. [41] has confused film from interface. For more details, please see refs. [33, 38]

 The problems in ref. [42]

Equation (9) in ref. [42] is listed below as Eqs. (9-1) and (9-2):


 But Eq. (9-1) should be used only for an interface and here F is RM for reflection coefficient of the interface and T is gM for the transmission coefficient of the interface. This conclusion can be checked by inserting the above formulae for RM and gM into Eq. (9-1).

However, Zin in Eq. (9-2) is the input impedance of metal-backed film and F is RL of the film instead of RM of the interface. Thus Eq. (9) in Ref. [42] is wrong.

3.  Formulation of the problem and results are simple without significant contribution to the literature.


As shown above, the theory underlying refs. [41, 42] is wrong. Thus, the conclusions of the two papers are not reliable.


It should be noted that interface does not absorb microwaves thus the errors in [41, 42, 54] are significant and need correction particularly as they are representative of other papers in the literature.

The problems mentioned in section “2.3 Common errors” such as in refs. [43, 47] are also important since they are common problems which have continued to be expressed in publications though the problems have been identified previously. Thus, corrections are necessary to draw the attention of researchers.

 [43] W. Andriyanti, M.A. Choir Hidayati Nur, D.L. Puspitarum, T. Sujitno, H. Suprihatin, S. Purwanto, E. Suharyadi, Microstructures, magnetic properties and microwave absorption of ion-implanted bismuth ferrite thin films, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 676 (2024) 415690. See Fig. 12 in this paper.

[47] D. Zuo, Y. Jia, J. Xu, J. Fu, High-Performance Microwave Absorption Materials: Theory, Fabrication, and Functionalization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62 (2023) 14791-14817. See Fig. 2c in this paper.


In refs. [43, 47] it is stated that maximum absorption is achieved when both beam r1 and r2, shown in the above diagram, are vanished out But as we have shown previously this is not true.to obtain.

The false conclusion is a consequence of confusing film with material.

The absorptions of film and material are quite different.

The absorption of material originates from the attenuation power of material while the absorption of film originates from the wave cancellation of beams r1 and r2 rather than the simultaneous vanishing out of the two beams. For more details, please see:

[29] Yue Liu,Ying Liu,Michael G. B Drew,Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption in Films - Distinguishing Film from Material,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2024,593, 171850

[31] Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew M.G.B, A re-evaluation of the mechanism of microwave absorption in film – Part 2: The Real mechanismMater. Chem. Phys,. 2022, 291, 126601.

[32] Ying Liu, Yi Ding, Yue Liu, Michael G. B. Drew. Unexpected Results in Microwave Absorption – Part 1: Different absorption mechanisms for metal-backed film and for materialSurfaces and Interfaces, 2023, 40, 103022

[27] Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew, Yue Liu, A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part 2: Problem AnalysesJournal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304

4  Comprehensive experimental section could appear in the manuscript.


The theories described in this manuscript have already been published in several papers e.g refs. [27, 29, 31 - 33,38] cited in this manuscript. These papers include details of how experimental data provides extensive support for our theories. Despite these proofs, the problems continue to occur in publications which shows that the well-defined corrections addressed in this manuscript are necessary.

The theoretical studies and their experimental verifications are not necessarily repeated here. Citations surely provide sufficient background for the purposes of this manuscript.

 5.  It is more a short report than full-lenght scientific paper.


Yes we accept that this is a short report but the subject is important and sufficient information is clearly provided to prove that the present theories of microwave absorption are seriously flawed and require immediate correction.


I recommend rejection of the paper.


From our above rebuttals, we do not believe the suggestion is justified.



Yue Liu


2024年04月06日 14:48 (星期六)

Ref.:  Ms. No. APYA-D-24-00575

Corrections of common errors found in current theories of microwave absorption 

Applied Physics A 

 Dear Dr. Liu,

 The reviewers' comments/recommendation of member of the Board of Editors can be found at the end of this email or can be accessed by following the provided link. Your paper "Corrections of common errors found in current theories of microwave absorption" unfortunately cannot be accepted for publication in Applied Physics A.  I am really very sorry that I cannot give you a better answer. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work. 

 Yours sincerely 


Member of the Board of Editors 

Applied Physics A 

 Reviewer #1:

 The author proposed corrections of common errors found in current theories  of microwave absorption. Based on the proposed work - which is need some improvement  within its novelty, there are some points should be highlighted and more information  should be added. *The abstract should be reconsidered please in terms of the following points:  The research gab should be reconsidered. The main findings should be inserted within  the abstract. The contribution of the current work should be clearly highlighted.  *The authors build weak introduction and literature review. please re consider it , 

 it is regarded as very weak.

 *The distribution of the references in the introduction is not accurate. Please  re- consider it. 


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 *More physical explanation should be added regarded each figure. This work is  missing the physical explanation and the comparison of it with previous studies.  *The conclusion part is adequate. Is there any study limitation or future work. *Please, be careful of the spelling mistake. English language should be revised.  *The references are relevant. Overall, major revision is required.  

 Reviewer #2: Not acceptable as a Regular Paper. 

 Reviewer #4: 

The authors, in their manuscript entitled "Corrections of common errors  found in current theories of microwave absorption," discuss specific and common  errors/misconceptions regarding films or bulk materials, conventional theories  of microwave absorption, and propose corrections. Although I appreciate some of the concepts that the authors explained, in my  view, this type of manuscript should not be published as a regular research  article. The authors have not conducted a comprehensive theoretical or experimental  investigation, analysed data, and reached final conclusions. Instead, they have  highlighted instances of potential errors and suggested corrections based on the literature. The organization of the paper deviates from that of a typical article. 








 Additionally,the authors critique numerous published papers. Therefore, I believe this work would  be better suited for publication as a perspective or comment. However, the content  does not meet the standards of a mini-review. Hence, the authors should reconsider  the mode of publication and involve known experts in the field.







 I propose this because publishing a paper that challenges certain analyses and  assumptions to pass a verdict without affording the concerned authors an opportunity  to present their viewpoints is unfair.



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2024年04月08日 08:08 (星期一)

Dear Prof. Yue Liu,

Your manuscript, "Corrections of common errors in current theories of microwave absorption caused by confusing film and material," has been submitted to Research Square, a preprint platform that lets you share your work early, gain feedback, and improve your manuscript before you submit it to a journal. We know how hard you have worked to get to this point, and we are delighted that you have chosen to post a preprint with us.

2024年04月08日 20:02 (星期一)

Dear Prof. Yue Liu,

Thank you for your recent preprint submission "Corrections of common errors in current theories of microwave absorption caused by confusing film and material" to Research Square. Unfortunately, our screeners have determined that the manuscript type or its content is not suitable for posting as a preprint on Research Square. Please note that this decision does not reflect the quality or importance of the work and is made on the basis of our editorial policies with respect to content type and screening.

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Corrections of Common Errors in Current Theories of Microwave Absorption Caused by Confusing Film and Material - Article (Preprint v1) by Yue Liu et al. | Qeios


Corrections of Common Errors in Current Theories of Microwave Absorption Caused by Confusing Film and Material






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5 不准许纠错的后果




“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”M. Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Paper, William & Norgate, London, 1950, pp. 33 -34.







A toast to the error detectors. Nature. 577, 9.






"Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it."



“Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.”― Fulton J. Sheenh


“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”




“Beyond these considerations, the importance of many of the more recent developments cannot be evaluated objectively at this time. The history of mathematics teaches us that many subjects which aroused tremendous enthusiasm and engaged the attention of the best mathematicians ultimately faded into oblivion ... Indeed one of the interesting questions that the history answers is what survives in mathematics. History makes its own and sounder evaluations.”

 --Morris Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Oxford University Press, 1972, ISBN 0-19-506136-5 


历史是最公正的。历史反复证明,那些在当世喧嚣尘上的东西往往是主流学者刻意炒作的糟粕,而那些被当世打压的经常是真金白银。 Expansion: History serves as the ultimate arbiter. It consistently reveals that what is often overemphasized by the prominent scholars of an era is often merely the intentional promotion of mediocrity, while that which is suppressed by the prevailing contemporary scholars often reveals itself to be authentic and of true value.





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