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[转载]高被引的文章并不代表是好文章 (科技英语,英汉对照)

已有 957 次阅读 2024-2-10 12:47 |个人分类:科技英语|系统分类:科普集锦|文章来源:转载



Systematic Bias in the Progress of Research


Journal of Political Economy ( IF 9.637 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1086/715021

Amir Rubin , Eran Rubin



We analyze the extent to which citing practices may be driven by strategic considerations. The discontinuation of the Journal of Business (JB) in 2006 for extraneous reasons serves as an exogenous shock for analyzing strategic citing behavior. Using a difference-in-differences analysis, we find that articles published in JB before 2006 experienced a relative reduction in citations of approximately 20% after 2006. Since the discontinuation of JB is unrelated to the scientific contributions of its articles, the results imply that the referencing of articles is systematically affected by strategic considerations, which hinders scientific progress.



2006 年,Journal of Business (JB) 因外部原因停。2006 年之发表在 JB 的文章用量相对减少了大约 20%。由于 JB 的停刊与其发表的文章的科学贡献无关,结果表明主流学者的引用的策略存在严重学术道德问题。


Review processes are not perfect; significant contributions may sometimes be misjudged by top experts while being correctly appraised by those with less impressive reputations. The novels Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Animal Farm, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and The Da Vinci Code are all examples of this phenomenon. They were repeatedly rejected by top publishers but were successfully published by small-scale unknown publishers and eventually became world renowned. The academic-publishing process is also known to make mistakes, and good articles sometimes get rejected by top-tier outlets (Kuhn 1962; Gans and Shepherd 1994). One would think that academic research would follow patterns similar to the novel-publishing process, where, once published, the research makes an impact according to its contribution.



Ideally, an article’s outlet should not affect its impact or possible influence on the trajectory of science, and important contributions, regardless of where they are eventually published, should be referenced in subsequent work. However, unlike the novel-publishing process, in the field of finance, there is a notable dearth of influential scientific contributions that were not published in top-tier journals. Rarely would one praise an article published in a second- or third-tier journal, and highly cited papers seem to almost always be published in top-tier journals. This is not only true in finance; for example, Kim, Morse, and Zingales (2006) show that out of the top 41 economics journals, more than half the influential papers appear in three journals (Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, and American Economic Review). Indeed,somewhat like novel publications, in academic publications, the outlet’s reputation embeds information about the potential quality of an article, which may explain the phenomenon. This motivates the following question: Is the situation in which all significant academic contributions in finance seem to appear in a few top-tier journals an outcome of a very efficient review process, or are authors fixated on referencing articles published in the highest-tier outlets, which creates a significant systematic bias in citing practices?


Understanding why certain contributions make an impact is of utmost importance. The practice of referencing previous relevant research allows readers to better assess the incremental contributions of new research and acknowledge the prior contributions on which that research is based (Merton 1968). The importance of adequate referencing practices is exemplified by the fact that article citation counts have become the primary measure for quantifying an article’s scientific contribution; moreover, journals are segmented into different quality tiers based on the average citation counts of their articles (Gross and Gross 1927; Coats 1971; White and White 1977; Liebowitz and Palmer 1984). The segmentation into tiers has considerable ramifications. It appears that any association with a top tier journal automatically serves as a quality signal. Thus, the scientific community may, to an extent, be attached to the top-tier journal rather than the contents of its articles. For example, in business and economics schools, the number of top-tier journal publications has become the core determinant of faculty career opportunities and pay (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin 1992; Heckman and Moktan 2020). Being an editor or a referee of a top-tier journal is a considerable quality signal for the merits of a researcher. Similarly, many would agree that when a top-tier journal article is cited as a relevant reference, it helps signal the quality of the citing article and its authors. Under these conditions, one must ask whether top-tier journals would have been similarly referenced had they not become a core tool for signaling quality.


In broad terms, rather than just serving their intended objective of referencing relevant work, citations of articles published in top-tier journals may be driven by agency considerations because authors focus on achieving professional goals with respect to these journals. These personal goals include, most obviously, the desire to obtain publications in top-tier journals but can also include the desire to get invited to a conference sponsored by such journals, become a referee in those journals, or receive reference letters from scholars associated with the journals. To facilitate this, authors may cite top-tier journals as a way to enhance their relationships with those journals. They may further consider the preferences of top-tier journals’ referees for such citations. Typically, these referees serve more than one top-tier journal, which they potentially even more appreciate as quality signals and whose top-tier status they wish to preserve by receiving citations. Consequently, authors may consider the expected positive impact of top-tier journal citations in satisfying referees. Overall, the agency considerations that emerged from the certification of quality by top-tier journals may have inflated the number of their citations out of proportion. It is possible that had some of the noted professional externalities, for both authors and referees, been eliminated, citations of top-tier journal articles may have been reduced. Our goal is to analyze whether systematic strategic citing of top journals exists and whether it is partially responsible for their high impact.


IX. Concluding Remarks

The process by which journals accept articles is commonly known to have errors. For example, the following quotation is attributed to the well-known macroeconomist Gregory Mankiw: “The editorial process is highly imperfect. The bad news is that some of your best articles may end up getting rejected from the top journals. The good news is that you may get lucky, and some of your so-so articles may end up published in top journals simply because they hit the editor’s desk when he is in a good mood.”


While this variation in acceptance may balance out for an author, the evidence presented in this research shows that the scientific implications are different. Academic scholars not only strive to publish in the top journals but also are fixated on referring to articles that appear in those journals, often neglecting an article’s true relevance. The results of the current paper show that, in essence, the exact same article with the exact same accreditation by reviewers is considered significantly more valuable when the outlet is in the “most-desired journals to publish in” list compared to the period in which that is no longer the case. Evidently, the important process of unbiased and neutral referencing of relevant work is lacking.


Novels would probably not lose popularity if their publication company ceased to exist; the social impact of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was not reduced when the American Publishing Company was closed. However, in academia, the situation is different and has a potentially significant effect on the progress of research. This state of affairs should alarm editors and researchers who have a sincere desire to advance scientific progress. This research shows that the high impact of top journals is, to a significant degree, due to authors’ fixation on journals and not necessarily due to the articles’ quality. To paraphrase the quote above, “The bad news is that some of the best articles will not make an impact, but the good news is that some of the so-so articles may end up making an impact.”




















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下一篇:[转载]为什么大多数已发表的研究结果都是错误的 (科技英文,英汉对照)
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